
Does this deck have any chance of winning and how can i protect petit moth and the cocoon while waiting?

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petit moth x3

cocoon of evolution x3

great moth x2

perfectly ultimate great moth x1

parasite paracide x2

pinch hopper x 2

insect queen x1

doom dozer x2

chainsaw insect x1

howling insect x2

cockroach knight x1

insect knight x1

jade whistle x1

insect barrier x2

swords of revealing light x1

messenger of peace x2

mystical space typhoon x1

forest x1

multiplication of ants x1

heart of clear water x1

nightmare steelcage x1

dna surgery x2

raigeki break x2

divine wrath x1

spell shield type 8 x3

torrential tribute x1

rivalry of warlords x2

sakuretsu armor x1




  1. Overall it is not a bad deck the swords of revealing light you have in there is one way to protect it. . . im not really sure what else wall of revealing light or maybe insect queen with ring of magnitism

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