
Does this diagnosis sound correct?

by  |  earlier

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Or could it be something else?

Symptoms and diagnosis given in the following link.




  1. This is not a professional site, so you need to get a real person to check you out and take care of guiding you through some treatment.

  2. Go and see a real doctor, sounds possibly like you have either depression/Bi-Polar Disorder with psychosis.

    You will need medication, and therapy to get you through this.

    Best of luck

  3. Depending on a few days of observing the patient, I would go with either 1) Bipolar I Disorder, Severe, Last Episode Manic or if there is more disorganization than mood disturbance I would diagnose Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Type.  Treatment would be initiated with mood stabilizers (lithium and/or Depakote), and an atypical antipsychotic (trial and error).

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