
Does this dream mean anything? Or is it just weird?

by  |  earlier

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I dreamt that some random guys and I were in some really old, but really clean building and you could tell that a lot of money was spent on it. Anyway, there were a bunch of gates(like the ones you see at the mall when the stores are closed) and the building was deserted and it was night time.

Apparently, we were all planning to do something illegal that some chick dressed all in green told us to do. All of the sudden, we start getting chased by a guy that llooks like this:

I run for my life trying to lose him, but I can still hear evryone in my group following me, and that scary guy right behind them. Finally, we get to this room that looks like a shower room down in the basement, and we are trapped. I go into this side room to hide, but everyone follows me. We wait, and then the scary guy comes in and drop kicks one of my followers. While he is beating the h**l out of my followers, I sneak back to the entrance of the room and close the gate, trapping everyone inside. I start to try and find my way out of the building when that chick dressed in green comes and asked me what happened. I told her what I did and she said something about me 'sharpening my teeth'

does this dream have any meaning or is it just weird?




  1. I Love interpreting dreams BUT, it's really hard to do.

    You need to pick out big, important key points. Like, running, gates etc. and interpret that. Also, sometimes if you write down all of your dreams, even if you don't think they're linked, you'll see that in some ways they are.

    I prefer books, but the best website to use for that stuff is

    Have fun!

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