
Does this educational website look good in your browser?

by Guest31950  |  earlier

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does it take long to download? Thanks




  1. The site loaded quickly and looked great... but there was no sound, shouldn't a language learning site have sound?

    I didn't see the box everyone is talking about, but then I have a very wide monitor, could it be that the items are squeezed together on smaller screens?

  2. The left side bar (ad banner) is floating over the main text.

    The links at the bottom should be centered, and have a larger font.

    The page is way to "junky" for my taste.

  3. very nice....didnt take long to load at all...only thing that I noticed was a big space between the S and p in spanish in your heading...

  4. Nope. Loads really quickly.

  5. it took about 6 seconds for me.

  6. Didn't take long to download, but there's a box in the mdidle of the page covering what's behind it and I can't move it.

    ADDED: It's almost like a frame over the middle of it; although on my laptop, it's moved slightly over to the right so that I can see the text. The "box" has in it, like this:


    Refresh Main Page (link)

    Click to vote (banner)

    Plug your site

    and so on.

    Because of where it's positioned on my screen, the main text looks like this:

    Espanol pa


    This is a Spanish learning site for chil [box/frame in the way] offers the

    and so on.

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