
Does this feeling happen to anyone else with bipolar?

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I have been manic for about 7 months now, but i never experienced anything like this.

I feel like im high, like when you smoke weed, but i haven't smoked in well over 4 years. I feel like I am high, my mind is really foggy.

Vision is what is scaring me, my eyes feel like they have a layer on top of it.

Imagine it like when you see a very bright light and then look to a dark area or when you are in darkness for 30 minutes and then go into light, you feel like your vision is "eletricuted" kinda.

Well for the past 8 hours thats how my vision has been and i feel really high, whats wrong?




  1. I had extreme light sensitivity once.  Literally wore my sunglasses to drive at night because the headlights were more than I could handle.  I also had this sort of weird idea that maybe I'd combust if sunlight was directly on me.  It wasn't quite a delusion, but it was close.  I was only getting about 2-3 hours sleep at the time and that was with an antipsychotic and sleeping pills.  So, it's probably different.  Meds eventually brought me down.  Six hours of sleep is a lot for mania, but maybe not so much for hypomania.  Maybe it's time you saw a doctor. Your milder mania may be going more extreme - meaning your vision change might be indicating that your mood state is getting worse and possibly somewhat psychotic.

  2. Yes, I understand...your eyes seem fuzzy...(am I right?)...i've been told its because lack of concentration..your mind is guess would be its another symptom you have prn meds?  talk to your doc right away need to tell him...perhaps..its time for a med change....good luck to you :)

  3. well i dont think your bipolar.  but you should see a docter Right away!   i dont know whats wrong but i think you might be in a very critical state of illness!!!!!

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