
Does this food for bunny look yummy to you?

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well you know what i mean for a rabbit. Lol Link. please also look at reviews . I'm probably just gonna get that one tomorrow just a simple question thanks




  1. It makes me hungry!

  2. it's probably fine, i know my vet told me to look for food that is high in fiber and low in fat (obviously), but also low in sugar.and because that food had a lot of dried fruit and nuts it might have a lot of sugar in it.  just make sure you monitor how much your bunny eats and make sure never to over feed because they are very prone to obesity and digestion problems!

  3. If I was a rabbit that would be my feast of choice.

    It has a high rating by other customers too.

  4. The second link doesn't work, but about the first one....

    I would suggest a pellet food with NO dried fruit or seeds!!

    Just pellets!

    TIMOTHY pellets! Make sure that if your bunny is an adult, to feed him/her TIMOTHY HAY pellets NOT alfalfa pellets. Vice-verca for baby bunnies.  

  5. I would just stick to pellets, nothing like seeds or things in it. It will cause the rabbit to become very picky and only eat certain things out of it/  

  6. it looks very good for a rabbit

  7. well sinse im not a rabbit i wudnt know...i guess

  8. That looks delicious.

  9. Any food that has more than just pellets is not worth your money. It is just junk food for rabbits. Your rabbit will pick out the seeds and good stuff leaving the pellets. You will keep refilling the bowl and your rabbit will get very fat very fast.

    If you have to go to Petsmat, get the Kaytee Timothy pellets.They are only thing there that is worth anything.

    Don't forget to get some Timothy hay while you are there. Hay is a very important part of a rabbits diet. They need to have unlimited hay. The pellets should be measured, and only give 1/4 cup per 5lbs or body weight per day.  

  10. No, you want a plain high quality timothy based pellet - no seeds, nuts or colored bits.

  11. doesnt look good at all haha but its good for rabbits my sister has 5 and gives them the same food so go get it haha good luck

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