
Does this girl like me? Ez 10 points!?

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Okay so...I think this girl likes me but I dunno because she comes over says hi and stuff...But today in Health I sat behind her right? And she kept looking over to this guy(sorta my friend but not really) And so it got brought up at lunch and she said "He told me he might ask me out next week..." So you know I was bummed And towards the end of lunch her friend came over and said Hi are you...(so and so) and I go yeah I am and she said Oh so your the one she's been talkin' bout... So I said If I we're to ask you out(this is later on) what would you say and she said I dunno...So I dunno if she likes me it's like mixed signals...And uhm When should I ask her out next week like tuesday or something and give the other guy a chance? SInce he told her he was gunna ask her out next week? Ty very much! ANswer should include...(If you think she likes me...When should I ask her out) ty easy 10 points!




  1. Ask her out, if you like her you shouldn't wait for the other guy to ask her first.

  2. ♦ If she is talking about you to her friends, then I would say yes she likes you. Ask her out on Wednesday for either Friday or Saturday, depending what you have going on that weekend.

  3. She does, she wouldn't give the light of day to you if it didn't start with "Hi."

    Go for it.

  4. idk



    call thats chicka up and ask her!

  5. It's sounds to me that she likes your friend and the I don't know is the subtle way of saying no.  I think what you should do is not ask her out next week because give the other guy a chance and it sounds like she want him to ask her out.  Girls are confusing but just wait it out.  Don't be a third wheel.  

    Good luck hope I could have helped you.

  6. hey dude this is complicated, I think there might be a possibility that the girls friend just meant that the girl talks about you as a friend or something else or she may just like both of you i say you should just play the laid back act just wait until next week see if the other guy makes a move if he doesent then shes all yours and you have to make a move, anyways thats what i would do but its just advice you dont have to take it.

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