
Does this girl like me?? HELP PLEASE!!?

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Im 15 years old

And there is this girl that i like so much but i don't know if she likes me back.. she is 14

we have 2 classes together and she always wants to be close to me sometimes whatever i go in the classroom, she goes with me and talks to me.. then when the teacher says to choose a partner she chosses me, always. and then when im away from her she is like looking at me... and i use to sit behind her and she always turns back to smile at me or talk to me..then always at the end of class she waits for me outside the door to say bye to me.. and when im absent to school, she always tells me she missed me by email.. is she flirting with me.. or does she like me? help please because i really like her alot... ah and she gets nervous when i look at her..




  1. aww she has crush on you. that so nice. you should express to her how you feel because it sounds like she alooot. just tell her how you feel not through the internet or through text that way win she says yes you can see how she actually feels. or if she doesnt then it'll probably feel weird for u.

  2. i dont want 2 confuse u but i wud say that she might be onto frndship only not more than that. she may be impressed by ur frndship thats it nothing else and doesnt wanna lose u. this may be one possibility apart from the fact that SHE REALLY LIKES U.....

    asking her out once will be a better way 2 clarify and make sure u tell her that u r taking her out ON A DATE and not just coz of fun.........

    all the best!

  3. well it looks like this girl relly relly likes why dont you ask her to come see a movie sometime and then you can see if she likes you our not as you can use the move you must pretend to yawn and then ehen your putting your hands down put one over her seat hope you will ask this girl out as you sound kind a girl

  4. based on what you said i'd say definitely.  you seem to be getting ALOT of positive attention from her which is a sure sign that she likes you.  and the fact that she misses you when you're not there means that she thinks about you even when your not around, a sure sign of her admiration.  don't be shy, the feeling is mutual.  ask her out!

    good luck!

  5. lol yeah she likes should ask her out!!

  6. wat are u an id!ot of corse she like you ask her out

  7. Awwww.....that is so sweet!!! :)

    Yes, it sure sounds to me like she likes you  - she's making a lot of effort to get your attention.

    If she talks about other guys to you, that's a definite no-no but if that's not the case, then I would say that she most likely is interested in you.

    Why don't you try inviting her to something that you're both interested in? A concert that you both like? or to do some other activity that you know you both like? It's usually a good ice breaker to have an activity rather than say, go for a meal etc. where you may have awkward moments. An activity is a good icebreaker and gives you something to talk about after, so there's no uncomfortableness.

    If she says "no" to the outing but says something like; I'll take a raincheck, chances are, she is interested but just can't make that particular event. If, on the other hand, she just makes some excuse but no invitation to do anything else, than she probably just looks at you as a friend.

    The nice thing is though, that if you ask her out to something you mutually like, there's no harm done and no embarrassment because it could easily be just a friend asking another friend to an activity that they both like. And if she does say "yes", then you will find out on the date, whether or not you're just friends or interested in each other.

    Sounds adorable though!! :) Good luck!!!

  8. ask her out

  9. Yes, I would say she likes you!  But she may get tired of having to make all the moves.  Talk to her, get her phone Number.  xox

  10. Dude that girl likes you..

    Based on your story, maybe she just like you as a friend or a brother, maybe she feels happy whenever she sees or with you, but when you said that she became nervous whenever you look at her, for sure she likes you more than friends coz nervousness never lies..

    Dude, ask her for a date and give her lots of RESPECT alright..

    Good luck!!!

  11. Yes!!  

  12. she definitely likes you and i think she is in love with you .

    hook up with her  

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