
Does this girl like me at all???

by  |  earlier

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this girl sits near me and when we talk alot..<she is the type that can talk alot and to most people> as she sits beside me...whenever i accidentally touch her she would sometimes not move like nothing happened...she will laugh at my jokes like crazy sometimes...even cry...she will also try to talk to me when we see each other at the canteen...when i ask her who she likes she would always say"i dont like anybody!" then she would look away..she also tell me her secrets does she like me??<she also talks to other guys alot>but most of them are my friends...........recently my friends told her that i like her....her face turned red can anybody tell me if she like me???




  1. well it sounds like she realy likes you. i mean if she talks to you every where, tells you all her secrets, and lauphs at your jokes than i think its safe to say she likes you. so i would ask her out.

      good luck man hope this helps!

  2. Yeah she does. Then again she could just be really really outgoing. But what&#039;s life if you never risk anything?

  3. ofcourse she likes you!

    but in order to not look like ur full of yourself! you need to be smart!

    in one of ur long talks... as her about her perfect person.. then go on to ask about who she thinks she could be together with.. in the end.. when she asks who u think u would wanna be with... say her...


    just ask her where u stand...

    the problem with ur friends telling her.. she cant say anything if she really likes u .. cos firstly... u should be asking her not ur friends, secondly if theyre lieing.. she would look really lame..

    soo go for it!

    cos you have everything u need for a relationship! except the intimacy.

  4. She definatly likes you. some girls just take a while to break open.

  5. girls are funny. You say canteen so I assume you are at camp and a young teen and not in the army. Girls that age are pretty suggestible. Even if they didn&#039;t have thoughts about liking a particular boy if they don&#039;t have a bf and they find out the boy likes them, they will often start to think of the boy that way. So, even if she doesn&#039;t already have a thing for you if you show are you like her she will likely give you some real consideration.

    However, based on one thing you say I suspect she does like you as more then a friend. If we were buddies and you asked me who I liked, I would tell you, and even if I didn&#039;t like someone special I&#039;d start telling you what guys I thought were cute, funny, etc. The fact that you asked her who she likes and she said no one indicates to me that it&#039;s either you or your best friend. Give it a shot. What&#039;s the sorts that can happen?

  6. It sounds like she does or at least she is flirting with the idea but is sounds like she defenitly likes you.  

  7. Oooh, yes, she likes you. All the best!

  8. She may like you but at the time only considers you just a close friend maybe you should both talk about it alone and discuss how you feel about each other.

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