
Does this girl like me? help please?

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Okay well I just met this girl about 4 days ago shes in my math class and i'm trying to figure out if she likes me or not. I don't talk much around her because I never know what to say in front of her. She always waves to me and smiles whenever she sees me and i saw her at the mall and she walked behind me and grabbed my @ss? lol is that like a sure sign that she likes me? or is she just messing around?




  1. i think she likes you. :)

  2. it sumtimes depends on the girl....

    like ive done that to my guy frends just to mess around..

    so it really just depends...

  3. um......she might just like being friends but if she really grabbed your @ss then it might be a dare she really likes u

  4. i think shes being flirty with you and she likes you!!! go for it, ask her out. but wait a few days after the *** grabbing thing to ask her, cuz then she might think your only interested in getting some.

  5. Oh baby, she's a wild one. Remember to wear condoms bro.

  6. Lil, she definitely likes you!  Be her friend and get to know her a little bit.  Once you become her friend and if she is still dropping the hints on you, then ask her out!

  7. Sounds like she Likes you.Talk to her before or after class  ask her how she is doing or what she likes to do for fun.

  8. i think she's just playing cause if she liked you i don't think she'd just do that, i'd think she'd be shyer but idk ??

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