
Does this girl like me or is she messing with me?

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Let me tell you the story.I met this girl about two years ago in high school and we have been friends ever since.I like her but I'm not sure if she likes me.She likes to talk to me in school but only for about 2,3 minutes and talk to her friends about me,giggling with each other.I guess she is dissing me.Here's when it gets confusing:we talk for hours on Myspace every day and night.She smiles at me every day but she doesn't talk to me that much at school.Does this girl like me or is she messing with my head?




  1. I'm pretty sure she likes you but doesn't talk to u at school because she doesn't want to make it obvious.  

  2. it sounds to me like she likes you

  3. how do you know its really HER on myspace?

  4. 2 scenarios, impossible which 2 know about without more details:

    1: is kinda interested but shy too, feels more comfortablke with her friends and isnt ready for a relationshipo just yet.

    2: doesnt like you like that and is only communicating with u for laughs, possibly cuz her girlfriends made her.

    ouch, i know. sorry, but its the truth!!

    lets hope its #1!!!

  5. both

  6. Ask her out and find out. If she says know i'm sure you can get over it and if she says yeah then go have fun!

    Either way you get to know and it's not a big deal asking her out.  

  7. call her to come to park and tell her come to my home and then tell her to kiss me if she didn't try to rape her ok  

  8. maybe she likes you, but she is scared of what people will think if you go out together. its like that for a lot of girls regaurdless how good looking the guy is.

  9. maybe she actually wants to learn.. unlike most of us.. but she might like you.. i would need more info to see if she does or not.. try asking her to come to the dance with you.. if she says no... cover it up and say.. "oh.. i ment as friends"

  10. Thats confusing.  It sorta sounds like she likes you, but she doesn't want her friends to know or something.

  11. idk but i like messing with people's heads.

    its amazing :]

  12. She likes you but she's shy around you in person.  I'm sure you can realize that talking to someone on a computer is like having full access to their head, they are much more willing to talk when you can't see their reaction and they can't see yours.  Ask her on myspace why she doesn't talk to  you in school.  Make a game and dare her to start a conversation with you in person.  Just a suggestion.

  13. If she was messing with you i dout she would talk to you for hours on myspace.

  14. I'm a girl myself (you can tell by my avatar) and it could just be me, but possibly this girl, likes you too, but perhaps she is shy around other people when you guys are talking. If she was actually messing with you, she would totally blow you off, ditch you, possibly offend you.  In that case, be paitent, if you talk to her, and smile at her... and be friendly to her always, and understanding. Sometimes girls can get upset for no reason, (harmones), so if she's ever mean, let it slide unless she offends you. I have to tell you that i had a crush on this really funny, sweet guy. I really liked him, he said "hi" to me every single day, and we had fun talking to each other. Than, because i was nervous about embaressing myself, i wouldn't talk to him unless it was private. He thought i was ignoring him, but in the end, we're still friends. So give this girl a little more time. If she's smiling and talking to you, she probably likes you.

    In private, when you feel right about it, say something like "could we try being more than friends?" or something.

    In public, she could be really shy about it... so ask her gently.

  15. she might like to talk to you on myspace but not in person

    she probaly likes you

  16. I think she likes you. She only not talking she's afraid your known she likes you

  17. i think she likes you but her friends dont so she doesnt want it to look like she does infront of them  

  18. it sounds like shes hiding you, or doesnt want her friends to know she likes you. straight up ask her.

  19. yeah the same thing has happened to me on more the 3 occasions im pretty sure shes messing with ur head just ask her out and her answer will answer your question

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