
Does this girl like me or not its driving me crazy!?

by  |  earlier

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ok well she comes up once a year for about 2 days and finally on the last night i think i got a hint she likes me. first we were talking alone for like 15 minutes and then we were with all our friends and she walked over to me a nudged me then walked and leaned on a car alone. since i was too friken freaked out i just stood their. later i think she told me we should look at the stars but went right inside. when she left on her myspace bullentin like a week later andshe posted a survay and put

Bet your missing someone now?

that is not a question.

but yes i am

please help me :((




  1. awww thats sooo adorable! Yeah she likes you! Now the question is, do you like her?

    If so, I think you should reply back to that bullentin :-)

    She would be soo happy you have no idea!

  2. duh she likes you!

  3. she likes you!!

  4. i think she probably likes u

  5. she's testing you to see weather you like her or not

  6. sounds like it. you're not crazy, just confused. I think you should get in contact with her. Write letters, visit more often, that kind of stuff.  

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