
Does this girl really like me?

by  |  earlier

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this might sound like an obvious question but I saw a girl tonight at this church I go to and I've only met her like twice. So first of all she looks at my phone and then puts it in her back pocket and ran with it. Then she sat down next to me and I looked at her and she looked at me back and she didn't say anything and just kinda smiled then she leaned on my shoulder for a few seconds. then i talked to her on myspace for a while then she said "your my best friend now" she always smiles at everything I say.. i know this may be kind of an obvious question but does she think of me like a friend or a boyfriend?




  1. I think she is regarding you as a friend but framing you as someone much more than that- just give her sometime and see what happens, well....for now, all I can say is that she definately likes you but how much, why,etc etc etc...we'll have to wait and watch!!!!

  2. i think she is like me. she prolly likes you. i mean you only met her like twice and she's saying your her best friend? she either saying that as an excuse to be closer to you or she is a loser with no friends. LOL

  3. h**l yes.  YES YES YES YES YES.   She likes you.  A LOT.  Ask her out NOW.  She will say yes.

  4. I think so. But don't rush things. Even if you were 48 years old in this situation I'd tell you not to rush things now. Let things take their course. You will be pleasantly surprised.

  5. she has probably just gone "f*** i just told him that he was my best friend.. but now i like him more!!"


  6. it seems like she's caught in between. you really are her best friend, but she thinks she might like you as something more...  

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