
Does this gross anyone else out?

by Guest61373  |  earlier

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I HATE it when people say "mmm" when we are eating dinner...or keep commenting on how nice the food is...I think one comment at the start is ok...but it seems pig like to keep commenting!




  1. Ah ha! Small talk and big meals.

  2. Ugh haha yes it's nasty!

  3. I dont see any problem with that.

  4. they probably just don't like silence, keep the chat up!

  5. With etiquette of eating ... the talk should be light!

    Otherwise the pleasure of the food will be destroyed!

    While eating, the greater part of one's attention should be directed to the food!

  6. I agree. Too much "mmm"  is like they are having an o****m. They should keep it to the minimum. One female food documentary host comes to mind.

  7. I don't think it's gross, but I hear comments like that all the time when I am dining out with people, and it aggravates me. After one comment, the rest are just unecessary.  

  8. It makes me cringe all over. I agree with you. Also yeah I hate it when they feel they HAVE to do it just to fill in the silence.  

  9. I think some are due to personal habits, where they just have to make noises and well, as you said, can't cope with silence.

    Others are more of 'cultural', like the Italians and Japanese, where they HAVE to say something over the table, commenting the food, expressing their likes, and/ or even singing their hearts out. :))

  10. the moaning reminds my too much of s*x and it irks me when people keep doing it  

  11. I compliment the food because I'd like someone to compliment it if I were the one who made it. But I'm just empathetic like that.

  12. lol now that i think of it it is dad always does that

  13. only if the person saying is fat, thats gross.  If they are skinny then no

  14. I have a friend who does not realize that she grunts and groans when she's eating. I've told her several times that she does that, but she denies it. I feel like I'm in a weird fetish porno when she's eating...*shudder*

  15. it gets on my nerves too.

    its like they're getting pleasure from eating it...

    which is just weird to me.

  16. LMAO i know exactly what you mean!!!!!!!! omg this annoys me no end because all my extended family of my dad's side do that at least 5 times as well as saying: wow this food looks really good, it all looks so great, and then say it tastes great and really good then then afterwards it tasted great and was all really good and they are really full, this is between mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmming :/

    Once i decided i would have a laugh with it and i sat their for about an hour in the meal just saying mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and they noticed ntohing wrong with this....... how?! lol

  17. Can't speak... Eating.

  18. hehe, my boyfriend and his family do that so much, it's so irritating! They take a mouthful and go 'mmmmmpppphhhh' like some kind of o****m or something it's so grim. I hate it.  

  19. It depends on who's doing it. I've done that myself when the food is just spectacular, and other people I know, but when certain people do it, it is disgusting.

  20. YEAH!

    I hate it because posh people do that.

    Not all posh people though but my parents sometimes do that so i ignore them.

    It makes me sick because you could have 1 comment at the start and finish of a meal but all the way through is just rediculous and boring!

    Meals are family time - not just for commenting.

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