
Does this guy like me or is he flirting?

by  |  earlier

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ok so theres this guy in one of my classes and whenever we get into groups hes sometimes in my group and theres like a bunch of other girls in the group but he only talks to me, tries to get my attention, tries to make me laugh,makes eye contact with me all the time, he blushes, he smiling, but he never compliments me. and another thing is that sometimes when i'm in the hallway he sometimes tries to get my attention, and tries makes jokes around me. so does he like me or is flirting or both




  1. i think both

    if u like him maybe u can like get to know him

    later on tell him how u feel bout him...

  2. this is a definate yes ! if theyre are other girls and you get the attention then of course dont be shy or you could loose out ! maybe invite him and a couple of others to the movies so it doesnt look so obvious and make sure you sit next to him.strange things may happen he may even kiss you haha

  3. Wow - looks like this guy really does have a thing for you. Yes he is flirting with you  because he is attracted to you. But the reason he might not be paying you  any compliments is because he's probably shy and he might fear being rejected by you. Or maybe he doesn't want  to make it obvious in front of your friends that he likes you. Try and be friendly with the guy to get to know him better.    

  4. Both

  5. All little bit of both. He is flirting with you because he is attracted to you and he likes you. The reason he probably never compliments you is because he doesn't want to sound awkward or be made fun of around other people or he is shy - OR he doesn't want to make obvious for other that he likes you. But to my point of view he definitely likes you.

  6. Im pretty sure he likes you

    Hes trying to flirt

    but maybe to shy to come right out and flirt

    Try to flirt a little with him

    and see if he asks you out

    do u like him?

  7. it could be both

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