
Does this happen to any one else??? What is it?

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You watch something or think about something and it ends up happening. Example I'll think about a song that I havent heared in a long time, it just pops in to my head. And then the next day I go turn on the radio and that song is on.

Recently I wached Requiem for a Dream and then the next day when I was watching tv there was a Dove commercial that had a refference to it.




  1. Yes. That sort of stuff happens to me all the time.  I'll be thinking of someone I haven't thought about for a very long time, and then all the sudden I'll get a letter or phone call from that person.  It's just too weird.

  2. i think its a form of esp, it happens to me as well, like i will think of a friend i havent talked to or seen in a long time then next thing you know you run into them at the store ..same thing with songs....once a friend of mine and i were talking about songs we havent heard in forever and then bam bam, both of the songs we spoke of were played back to back on the radio that same night...weird huh

  3. law of attraction... look it up

  4. When we learn to use our subconscious mind, we learn to live our dreams.Take for example, if you subconsciously think about what you want, then you will get it.

    just like if we program our subconscious mind that we are of no good, then we shall end up being no good.

    So that is your subconscious mind at work.

    Remember, the subconscious mind does not choose, bad or good, it will just do as you instruct it.

    so you have to choose what to think.that is why its also said that we are the causers of what is happening in our lives and not this issue of bad luck.I hope i was of help.

  5. yeah this happens to me too!! i was kinda worried! idk what it's called though.

  6. Yes it's called Deja vu, and it happens to me all the time! Like I will be thinking of someone, and I go to the phone to call her, but as I am walking to the phone, it starts ringing, and guess who it is???  yes, it's her!!  That happens to me all the time!  I think of someone, and i go to the store or someplace, and I see that person!!  I know what you are talking about! I guess it is a gift that we recieved from GOD!!  My best to you!xoxoxo

  7. That happens to me all the time.  Lol, literally almost every day.  I think about a person that I haven't heard from in a long time and then the person calls an hour later, or I ask whatever happened to an artist/band and the next day their song is playing on the radio, or like a week ago something had made me think of that movie Boys Don't Cry and I had wanted to see it but never did.  Yesterday it was on TV so I was able to record it on my DVR.  

    Anyway, I have no idea what it is.  Intuition?  Natural human psychic ability?  Coincidence?  Could be any of those.

  8. idk but i love that movie poor ma addicted to speed. i gotta go watch it when i get off now

  9. The examples you gave are things that could be expected to occur fairly often just by random chance, so I don't think that is unusual at all. Those are what you call a "coincidence".

    Other oddities like thinking of someone and having them call right then - or even weirder, this has happened to me more than once, picking up the phone to call someone and finding them on the line already, but they just called and the phone hasn't rung yet - are not as easily explained, but probably even that could occur sometimes by random chance.

  10. yeah. its pretty crazy. i'll be sleeping and in my dreams, there will be just a short instance where, later on (could be a month, a week, a day or so AFTER my dream) what i saw in my dream, actually happens. Deja Vu, or something....

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