
Does this have a strong enough feel?

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Trial of Sight

Part Seventeen

The door began to bend

beaten by the Big Bad Wolves

Cara slipped out the back

circling to come upon them

Finding that, without sight

she could sense each evil presence

As she came around

the growls diminished into silence

Save the breath of Demon Dogs

all was quiet…

In an instant she felt cold metal

pressed against her head,

a voice from nightmares,

“Tonight I will taste sweet blood!”

-I hope that it is clear who this voice belongs to… I could picture this all in my head… and it scared me so much that… well, that I need to write more before my mind can be, again, at ease…

Blessed Be in Love Light and hopeful Happy Endings, Siren




  1. This is not the end. This can't be the end.  Is this the end? That's as bad as the final episode of "The Sopranos." Are you sure this is the end?

    At any rate, nothing is clear to me. I have four candidates for the identity of the "voice." First is Cara herself, often the victim becomes her own victimizer.

    The other three may be separate or in any possible combination, duo or trio: her father, the Vampire, and d**k Cheney. Her father is implicated in this epic. The Vampire is inferred from a previous one. And putting the Veep on the list of suspects needs no explanation.

    An overview:

    This may be your best series, which is not to denigrate any of the others. Even though you start with a real cliff-hanger, you manage to increase the emotional tension and the reader's interest throughout. You have extended our wondering beyond the end of the poem. Even your mechanics, though not perfect, seem better than before. I thoroughly enjoyed it, even though some of it is quite disturbing.

  2. I was with Cara in that dreadful silence, gun pressed against her head.  I could hear the "voice from nightmares".  This is a dark and scary installment in the series. I hope the next will come quickly.  Thank you.

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