
Does this have to do with Demonology??????

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I know this lady, she lives next door. She has always been cruel to people. ooohhh i never experienced this kind of wickedness till i met her.

now for the last 2 years she was struck by a disease which the doctors have said it cannot be healed and she will die soon. She has so much pain in her body, she can't even eat or drink.

Every time i see her, i can only think of the days she was healthy and cruel........and now she is helpless....... i keep visiting her and doing good stuff for her.

Now for the last one month she has been sleeping every 2 hours....and at most three hours ..and when she sleeps she talks in her dreams:

For the last couple of days, i have been visiting her, she always took a nap as usual ......regardless of my presensce or not ..... while she sleeps, have been seeing her face turning out to be hateful and she looks like she is fighting with someone in her dreams. She looks like she is exchanging angry words with someone in her sleep...and she become very aggressive.

All the neighbours have been shocked by what happened to her.

i have not asked her anything...coz i do not want to pick a quarrel with her........although she is weak in her body....her insults are like a venom so i would try to avoid that.

she is very insultive...she hurts her children and relatives...with what come out of her is extreme..(more than rude)

My question is this , what is wrong with her??? is this some spiritual matter..... or is this just a mental health problem????

why the anger even in her sleep??? and who is she quarreling with in her dreams????

Just give me an honest answer or what you think... i am concerned




  1. personally, I do believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit....therefore I also believe that Satan does exists,  I think if I saw what you are seeing I would think that yes, this person has an evil spirit attached to them in some way, possession....could be, it does happen.  Not to discount those who truly suffer with mental illness, but sometimes I wonder if some are possessed . . .??

    If you are a Christian you cab pray over her, even while she is asleep or you are at home.  If you don't feel up to that try talking with someone from your church who believes in laying on of hands . . . .

    BUT . . . be careful, it can get bad.  However, I do think that it is awfully nice of you to be kind to her even though she has been a pain.

    Can I ask:  What are your motives?

  2. Some would say Karma, what you dish out always comes back at you sooner or later.

    However, it sounds like she has had a troubled and sad life, and is full of bitterness and frustration, which can actually contribute to illness, and has made her strike out and try to hurt others.

    You seem to be doing the right thing by helping if you can, and I shouldn't dwell too deeply on it, as from what you say this lady hasn't got much longer left.  Your actions can only be helping your Karma :)

  3. Does she mess with voodoo? We cant tell from this...Dont worry its not your problem..

  4. It has to do with illness, pain, and psychology.  It has nothing whatsoever to do with demons, ghosties, or ghoulies.

  5. At this time in her life she can do nothing to help herself and,  the only way she can be saved from the clutches of the evil one is for someone to pray for her.

    You have been sent to her by God to do just that, it is up to you to fast and pray, do penance for her past life and she will be saved,  say this prayer in her presence constantly, 'Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of h**l, lead all souls toHeaven especially those most in need of your mercy'   good luck.

  6. I just think she is a mean and cruel person. I think something in the past made her an angry person and she could just be re-living it in her dreams. You shouldn't be concerned.

  7. She may be mentally ill or suffer from a chemical imbalance of the brain. She may have dementia. She may have experienced a great deal of emotional and/or physical trauma at the hands of other people in her younger years. Her illness is probably bringing all this up to the forefront as she prepares for her end of life. Any and all of the above could be possible reasons for her state of mind, but demons? Nowhere in the picture.

    If this is a real question, I thank you for being kind to this woman. You may be the only one in her whole life who has been, and that is a gift.

  8. I very much doubt it's anything to do with any demons.

    Is she receiving medical attention? It could be all manner of illnesses, it needs proper diagnosis and treatment.

  9. Demonology is the systematic study of demons or beliefs about demons. Insofar as it involves exegesis, demonology is an orthodox branch of theology. It is the branch of theology relating to superhuman beings who are not gods. It deals both with benevolent beings that have no circle of worshipers or so limited a circle as to be below the rank of gods, and with malevolent beings of all kinds. It may be noted that the original sense of "demon," from the time of Homer onward, was a benevolent being; but in English the name now holds connotations of malevolence.

    Anyway, I don't think her disease is somewhat connected to magick, demons or any other occult powers. It looks like a psyhological disease.

  10. I have a neighbor who is religious, but unknown to her, uses psychic abilities and when you use demonic powers, satan seems to get you back for doing so, I know I use to be wiccan and I use to be psychic myself. I almost died seven times.

    Anyways, one way I know to tell if someone is possessed if they have glowing green eyes sometimes, I have neverheard of this before, she sounds like she is in a trance. There are 2 demons that can bug a person in there sleep, one is an incubus, they try to have s*x with you while you are sleeping ans the succubus, they can be confused with sleep paralisis, because they will hold a person down, sit on your chest, hold your outh and even choke a person. It sounds liek the succubus. Usually I am awake when I am attack by it, but I guess you can be half asleep as well.

    Sometimes I have dreams about being sexually abused, so she may be dealing with demons (abuse) of the past. Yu may have to ask her, and she may not want to talk about it, or she may just not know or yu may not want to confront her about it, but in order to get help, she needs to call out to Jesus and if she does not believe in him or want his help the attacks will continue.

  11. Demons only exist in the mind of the uneducated. This is a sick woman who is having disturbed sleep. If it bothers you that much, leave it to others to look after her.

  12. These are her personal demons wether spiritually or because of her conscience. If you are strong enough gently probe her regrets... If you have doubts about your ability to cope with her outbursts I suggest quiet prayer, over her when she is asleep, to your gods or beliefs. My thoughts are with you. Good luck and well done for being such a caring person. I wish more people like you had the strength to do such good.

  13. This has nothing to do with demons.  Let me ask you something?  If you were in severe pain 24 hours a day seven days a week and nothing would relieve the pain dont you think you would be a bit mean yourself?  

  14. She's probably feverish and in pain while she sleeps.  That can lead to disturbed sleep.

    She's very ill, but she's not possessed.

    But, good for you for helping her even when she's been mean to you.  That's quite selfless.  

  15. There are no demons. A lot of people act out scenes in there dreams. Dreams have to do with what is going on in one's life. In her case, she is probably just p*ssed off at the world. There are a lot of people like that.

  16. This has nothing to do with the Devil or Demonology.

    This is a health problem that some elderly people DO experience, it can be alzheimers or even a tumor... she's probably in a lot of pain or has an inner brain problem.

    Lots of people talk in their dreams, hon. She may have very violent dreams, that's all.

  17. I think she is in a spiritual struggle. If she doesn't know the Lord Jesus as her savior, and death is close at hand, her soul may be struggling because she has no hope. You should continue to pray for her conversion and continue to do good for her.

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