
Does this help my college application?

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Hi, Im a 17 year old senior and I have two Apple Certifications. Im an Apple Certified Macintosh Technician, and an Apple Certified Support Professional 10.5. I was wondering how much of an effect these certifications would do when applying to a university such as Rice University in Houston. I dont have the greatest GPA either which I believe is a low 3. If this could help me how much could it help?




  1. everything helps, colleges want to see that you dont just go to school and then go home.  colleges like students that are active in other things besides school.

  2. sure all extra curricular activities and certificates help.  

  3. For your age, I cannot believe that you've already had such a great ability. Definitely some highly selective universities will have interests in you. Good Luck.

  4. It probably isn't going to help THAT much, but most applications have a section for "other skills" or something like that and it would be worth putting in there... it might show you have an interest in tech. stuff and followed through on it, that always looks good!

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