
Does this horse have a choppy canter?

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This is the horse i was thinking about buying, his name is "Tiger Jewel" he is a 4 year old TB gelding. I was thinking of buying him to be a future jumper/event horse. But someone said he had a short neck and a choppy canter. Is this true? and will it effect how high he will be able to jump in the future? Also if possible can you judge his conformation. I would like to hear your opinions about if you thin he will make a good jumper and possibly how high you think he could jump in the future. Thanks! P.S he is 6000 and i was thinking of making an offer but i don't know what a respectful offer to make is, any suggestions on what price to offer her?

Here is his sale page(his pictures don't do him justice):

And here is his video you have to click on "Tiger Jewel":




  1. I would defiently consider making an offer he is still very young and after getting aquainted with him and your own personal riding style he will form to work well with you. his neck is remotly small but in no way would inhibit him from preforming. In the video he is not being ridden so most likely he would collect him self better with a riding. he is just running playing showing he has a good attitude. But he does show he is trained to pop he legs which would give him an advantage in jumping, and clearing. I would offer 5200 and go from there. Conformation wise he is portioned well and he is thick though the butt and chest muscles and follows well through his legs.  

  2. It looked a little short to me but thats not really a problem. You should be able to stretch it out and stuff. It might just be choppyish looking because he is just playing in the feild...he's not really working. I don't know much (or barely anything) about show jumping and stuff so i can't really comment on hat but he looks like he would make a nice dressage horse.

  3. He is really pretty and has an amazing trot

    i think his canter is a little choppy but that can be fixed

  4. Oh my gosh! That horse has the most beautiful canter ever! His neck is not short at all! He also has the most amazing trot ever!

    $6000.00 is an amazing price for him!

    I would take it no discussion. You are very lucky that you are given the chance to buy him.

    Good luck and he is a perfect horse!

  5. If you are looking to seriously compete look for something with better conformation. A longer neck, better hip and loin. He has nice movement and even if his canter is a little choppy with proper training it can be greatly improved.

  6. The horse is a-m-a-z-i-n-g! $6000 is the right price. His trot is gorgeous, his canter is a little choppy, but that can be sorted in no time! Take him!  

  7. The price is right.

  8. id offer the 6000 some horses take time to shape when a horse is 4 its hindquarters could still begin to shape + hes young.

  9. he looks like he would probaly be able to jump pretty high. his trot is gorgeous! and i done think his canter is choppy. the horse i ride has a choppy canter and that is not choppy. and his neck isnt short. if he is broke or trained them 6000 is a good price. if he isnt saddle broke or trained id probably do 4000 because he shouldve been at 2. well broke at two i mean. maybe not trained. good luck

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