
Does this hppen after you have had a miscarriage ?

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yeserday i had a miscarrage i was five weeks pregnant i went to the docts and they said just to rest i was just wondering if i will leak milk or anything like that can you tell me what is goin to happen over the next few days?

and will the fetus coome out and when ?

thank for your help the doctor tol me somethinig like that but i wasnt really listen i was to upset thanks you agian x




  1. As horrible as it sounds what you are going through is pretty much the same as a late period. No milk will leak, no fetus Will "come out". You just may bleed heavier than normal that's all.

    I miscarried in January when i was 6 weeks gone and i bleed for 2 weeks rather than 2 days. The day after i stopped bleeding i conceived and am now 32 weeks pregnant!!!

    I know what you are going through and do feel for you but as hard as it is to get you head round, if you had waited until you had missed 2 periods before doing the test you would of been non the wiser if you know what i mean - i mean that in the nicest possible way.

    It was mother natures way of saying it wasn't meant to be x*x

    Take care xx

  2. Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I also had one about three months age. The did the d&c and sent me home with some pain killers, and a pill to help me stop bleeding. They said I couldn't have s*x for 6 weeks, just like after you have a baby, and after a few days I felt better, well physically. Everything will be fine, you'll get through this, God bless.  

  3. Hi, I'm really sorry for your loss.

    The baby may have already come out, you won't be able to tell, as the baby is just so tiny at this stage.

    You shouldn't leak milk or anything like that, but your hormones will be crazy.

    I expect you probably don't even want to think about having s*x at the moment, but if you do, use a barrier method of contraception, for a little while to give your body time to get the hormones regular again, and to heal, before you decide you are ready to try again.

    Take good care of yourself x x x  

  4. Hi angel i am sorry for ur loss.I had a miscarriage in july and another in aug this yr i was only 5 weeks gone both times i had what they call a chemical pregnancy an early miscarriage,1st time i started bleeding 5 days after my  due period and only bled for a day and a half,2nd time i bled 6 days after my due period and again only bled for a day and a half once you start bleeding thats when the embryo and tissue is lost.Hope this has helped.

  5. If you haven't bled at all yet then you will in the next couple of days. If you were only five weeks gone it will be like a very heavy period. It may be more painful than an ordinary period. You won't leak milk as it was too early into your pregnancy for milk production to begin.

    I wish you all the best.

  6. First of all, let me say how TOTALLY sorry I am. I know it hurts, especially if you have been trying for a while.

    I had a miscarriage at about 5 weeks, it took 2 weeks for it to be over, in the end the fetus came out and a day or two later the bleeding stopped. There was hardly any pain and the bleeding looked like a regular AF. No, I personally did not leak milk or anything. I can't tell you what is going to happen over the next few days because every pregnancy is different.  

  7. myself and my girlfriend have just suffered a miscarriage and my heart really does go out to you. we were 12 weeks pregnant but suffered a silent miscarriage where the baby had stopped developing at 9 weeks. we opted for medical management. you will continue to produce milk for the next couple of weeks and if you haven't started to bleed already it will be red to start with then clotted when the walls of the uterus begin to break down, then a brown period colour. the fetus will pass through the v****a however at 5 weeks you may not identify it. we did at 9 weeks and ill never forget. if you do find the fetus then take it to the doctors and they will send it to be Analysed. however all the labs will be able to determine is that it is indeed a fetus. they can not tell you the s*x or reason for miscarriage. some people are differnt and can have s*x a couple of weeks later and be pregnant all i can say is what i was told by our doctor is "use contraception for the next couple of weeks preferably condom to allow the body to restore its self to situation ready for early pregnancy again" basically youre body is sending off lots of hormones some carrying on the pregnancy some carry out the miscarrage and these hormones need to settle.

    i hope this helps and trust me you will feel better soon and you need to look at the positive that you can get pregnant and it just you're body's way of saying the baby wasn't developing correctly and prevented its growth and protected you.

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