
Does this idea for a novel sound stupid??

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Here is basically my story. There is this teenage girl named Brenda. She is kind of dorky. Then she meets this new guy from Japan named Toru. They became good friends and eventually Brenda goes to Toru's family's apartment. Toru has this brother a year older named Yuki. Their dad is dead. Yuki is blind and the family can not afford a seeing eye dog or school for the blind. Brenda and Yuki fall in love and Brenda is still friends with Toru. Then Yuki gets leukemia and dies. Brenda learns a lot about being blind and death. She also has a very strong faith about God if that helps?? Does this sound like a good story at all??




  1. Honestly, it sounds like it needs a little fleshing out.

    Right now, you seem to be focusing on what Brenda learns "about being blind and death," and her faith in G-d.  That's fine, and there's an audience for that kind of story, but if I were you, I'd focus more on developing the plot and characters.  What else is going on their lives?  Who are these people? What motivates them?  

    But, maybe you just haven't gotten to thinking about these points yet, in which case, what you have seems like a fine idea for a novel.  And if you think of some of the greatest books written, many of their synopses would sound rather silly.

    So - good luck, and don't let anyone discourage you.  Do lots of planning, research, and editing, and remember that no one book is going to appeal to everyone.

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