
Does this lad like me, or is he stringing me along?

by  |  earlier

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he said he liked me a couple weeks ago and i didnt realy like him, then he went away for a couple of weeks then i realised i liked him, the night he came back we snogged but then i dint see him till a week after, then wednesday i see him again and he still acts like he likes me abit then at half 12 that night he knocks on mine, we snog and he trys to take it further but i say no because i was on my period, but his hands are stil over me kissing me ande everything, then he arranges to see me saturday when he knows i wont be on my period. I saw him yesterday at his mates house when i was going out but he just stared at me. I get jealous when i think of all the girls he hangs around with because when there drunk i dont know whats going to happen. What should i do?




  1. He isn't worth the trouble...

    stay well away, b4 it goes further and it gets harder 2 get over him.

    He clearly isn't after a relationship, but s*x...if that feelings not mutual then why start something you know wont work.

  2. stringing you along

  3. Hi Milly, this guy is interested in only one thing, and that's what is between your legs.

    He has come on way too hard way too quickly for him to have any respect for you, and I have a feeling if he doesn't get what he wants, then he will loss interest just as quickly.

    You are heading into the time part of your cycle when your egg(s) will be ripest, thus more chance of you falling pregnant, and unfortunately, there is also more chance of your body ruling over your brain and giving in to him.

    Any guy worth having would be prepared to wait until you are ready, certainly wouldn't come calling at half past midnight on the chance of a quickie, and would certainly behave himself better than it seems that this guy is prepared to.

    Why he is always with all the girls, well I think from what I have answered should give you that idea.

    Mike t.

  4. stringing you along. i wont . call me 07923223437

  5. kick him to the curb, he is only after your body then will dump you  

  6. He only wants one thing from you and will dump you once he has got it.

    Dont do it hunni.

    Show to him and others around you that you are better than that and think more of yourself than to give yourself away to anyone who only wants contact with you when you can get it on.

    It's worth it me.

  7. sounds like he want you for the phisical reasons

    you shouldnt do it with him till he can appreciate you for you

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