
Does this look OK????

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I was just wondering if this shirt and vest go together. I have this awesome red Rolling Stones shirt, but I didnt want to wear it plain (like always), so I was wondering if this black vest looks OK with it?

what do you think?? honestly. thanks :).

Also, would I look better with dark hair? I've always wanted to have dark hair....blond gets boring after 17 years :P.




  1. i think the vest and the shirt go together great and that is the truth

  2. The proportions are way off. It's a tiny vest and a loonnnnggg shirt. If the shirt were shorter or the vest longer, it would look much better.

    & yes to the dark hair.

  3. The idea is very cute. I suggest wear that you wear a bright colored tank that peaks out at the bottom of the t-shirt and wear the vest open with a dangly edgy necklace and some metal bangles and dark skinny jeans maybe even greyish ones with dark pumps, or a bright colored heal or some flats.

    I dont know the blonde is really cute its like barbie rocker (a compliment) but the Dark would look really pretty on you. And change is really nice, go for it! But keep that style totally chic.  

  4. omg light-medium brown hair would look SOOOO good on you! trust me, it would look amazing. I've went from brown to blonde, blonde to brown etc. & that vest honestly looks really good! I have a band tee shirt that i wear a gray vest with too. Hope this helps, and good luck with your hair :)

  5. I think it looks great, and yeah I think dark hair would look good on you!

  6. yes it should

  7. No it's hideous and gross quit trying to be a model you'll never be one. And quit trying to set trends and fashions I call that hobo looking not fashion.

  8. lol i love it...its really cute

    n you look like natasha beningfelid or however you spell her name

    also i like the blonde hair better =]

  9. Yes! they look good together, also get dark  brown hair, it would look really good :P

  10. Yes the vest looks great with your red Rolling Stones shirt!

    I think dark hair would be very flattering on you.

  11. i think you should get medium dark hair....with dark be honest the blonde hair does not suit you.....i dont like the vest with that shirt...i think the vest wuld look much nicer if you just put it over a red plaid shirt or even a white plain shirt

  12. It looks great! So cute!

    Yeah, brown hair would look great on you.

  13. Looks cool, WHERE ARE YOU FROM?!?! FINLAND? NORWAY? i really want to know!!

  14. they go to gether great and yea maybe get dark brown or medium brown

  15. the vest looks fine, and dark hair would look good, but if you wanted a change, hi-lites would look great

  16. I think the vest looks really coo with the shirt! If you are going to dye your hair go for a darker blond.

  17. the vest looks a little small

  18. i love the vest with the shirt  

  19. i think the vest is totally cute.

    And i think that blonde suits you!

  20. yeah, it's really cute!! i think you would look better as a brunette!!

  21. i love your outfit. kinda like natasha bedingfield's style in her music video "pocketf full of sunshine". i love !

  22. yea get meduim brown hair and the shirt and vest looks okay

  23. yeah, i think it goes perfect with it, and yeah, it think you would look really good with brown hair, maybe a meduim brown

  24. yeah that looks great!! very stylish

    oh dont dye your hair. it looks very dramatic. go for choc brown highlights. it will make you look much more natural and it gives of a super chic finish to your appearance :)

  25. Yes the outfit looks really cute. If you want to go dark then go for it. Just do not dye it black because that is so hard to get out.  

  26. Yes, I think the outfit looks cute.  It shows that you have your own original sense of style.

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