
Does this look like a 16 yr old to you? ?

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Something fishy going on here...




  1. If Sacramone doesn't fall off of the balance beam, none of this would matter would it? The U.S. women's gymnastics team had a great opportunity to win and couldn't close the deal. It happens. That girl didn't make her bobble. That girl could be 6, who cares? Let's try to not only look like grownups, Let's BE grownups.

    Communists always lie, Solzhenitsyn told us this 30 years ago. Let's not feign naivete. Please!

  2. The rules for gymnastics are pretty unfair.  Though I realize having age limits is a necessary rule, the point is that these young Chinese are capable of perfect performances and therefore the age is irrelevant.

    Other sports have less restrictive age limits.

    To answer your question though, no, I do not think this little one is 16.

  3. The whole world knows she is not 16 and she kicks ***, so there!

  4. When I was 50, a cashier  in Michigan grocery store  insisted to check my photo id before she scanned the wines I was purchasing. I told her I was almost same age as you father, she would not believe me.

  5. I don't understand some of the people that are answering your question. The Olympic Games are suppose to be a great honor to attend, participate and especially host, yet China has done nothing to honor that prestige. Yes the little girl is extraordinary. I'm sure the reason that there is an age limit in the Games is the same reason we have child labor laws in the U.S AND it is one of the rules in the Games. Since the Olympics is so widely watched and renown then the rules should be strictly enforced to ensure their reputation and prestige are not compromised or tarnished. It should not matter whether the U.S placed with a medal or clear at the bottom of the list, it should not matter how incredibly talented this child is, if it breaks the rules in any way it is cheating and should be stopped and the country responsible should be publicly embarrassed.

    Just before the Olympic games a U.S athletes passport into China was denied because he had previously been a protester for human rights in Dar-fur, is this fair? Was this right?

    China has done nothing for the Olympics but tarnish it's prestige from banning another countries athlete for difference of opinion to photo shopping the fireworks to making a laughing stock of the opening ceremonies with lip-syncing children and now to possibly cheating.

    A game is a game and if your cheating in it it is wrong!

  6. it turned out to be a ten year old.

  7. She definitely looks like she is missing a tooth (maybe a baby tooth) and she does not look like she will turn 16 this year. I believe that many countries would do just about anything to win at the Olympics, including lying about a participant's age (if they can get away with it).

    What is most amazing is that this participant is competitive with older and stronger women. In the next Olympics, she will continue to rock.

  8. The entire Olympics is a farce. I pay no attention to any of it.

  9. Are you angry cause she's way better than the American gymnasts? Chinese do not develop giant chests like western women. so there. She could be 16.

  10. Of course not, but remember is China who is cheating not the USA, so it's ok and no one will complain....

  11. No it was obvious from the get go that some of these little girls are younger than 16.  The smallest one has the looks (development) of a 12 year old.

  12. Maybe 16 Mars years.

    A year on Mars takes 687 Earth days. That would make her between 9 and 10.

    Anyways, she's as old as the government of China says she is. That's who defines it, right?


    I just saw this story that says earlier this year, that girl was 13.

    Anyways, it's pretty incredible that a 13 year old can win a gold medal. Maybe she's the youngest ever!!!

  13. She looks about ten. I'd not be surprised if any or all of the countries were cheating somehow.

    To be fair though some people look a lot younger than they actually are. I heard from someone staying in Japan about a woman there who was just over twenty but looked as if she was twelve as an example.

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