
Does this look like a myspace picture??

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I don't have a myspace and this was just a picture so my friend could see my hair lol!! But do you think it looks like a myspace picture?? Do you like it?? Anything else you want to add about it?? Anything you want to say about it that is funny, lol I want a good laugh!! Thanks!!




  1. No... actually it does not look near BAD enough to be a My Space photo.


  2. that's good, and it is too in focus, and the lighting is actually too good to be a myspace pic. and like you said you don't have the fish lips going on.

    and yes, you DO know how to take pictures with a tripod and such.

    too bad there are too many note squares and they won't go away so i can't really study the picture it's kind of artsy.

    but i did enjoy looking at it and reading all the notes, you are a great kid.

  3. Now Ctny, you know better than this.  Your MySpace "style" picture is far too good to be used on MySpace.  Why, the colors look pretty realistic, which is your first mistake.  It's actually in focus, which is your second mistake.  And somehow, it's actually interesting, which dooms it completely for use on MySpace.  Instead of closing the bathroom door and getting a toilet in the background, you are using a mirror that reflects the items in the room as well as the door frame and trim going on down the hall.  The trim makes for some very interesting lines, to me anyhow...

  4. ya its good if your the one who took it maybe move the camera from right in-front of you to off to the side or use a timer and a tripod or a table to set it on. other than that good pic.

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