
Does this look ok? (for the welsh speakers)?

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My best friend is teaching me Welsh (shes welsh, i'm american) So can anyone tell me if this is ok? (We go 2 boarding school and live far apart so I wanna suprise her with a letter in welsh!)

Hwly Grace!

Sut wyt ti? Dw i'n great a Connor mae brill!

Beth fuest yn gweneud? Dw i'n bwyta Archwaethais Cymraeg cacennau doe a baen 'n flasus! Dwi yn methu 'ch ogystal! Alla mo arhosa at canfod 'ch am hysgol!

Bye achos awron!

Brooklyn X

Is it ok? will she be able to uderstand what I'm talking about?




  1. Is she from North or South Wales? there are differnces in the words used in both areas, the above is the south wales version. North Wales would be:

    Helo, Grace!

    Sut wyt ti? Dw i´n grêt ac mae Connor yn brill!

    Beth wyt ti wedi bod yn gwneud? Dwi´n bwyta teisan maen ag mae´n nhw´n flasus! Dwi yn dy fethu di hefyd! fedra i ddim disgwl dy weld ti eto yn ysgol!

    Ta ta am rwan!

    Brooklyn x

  2. I understood - good attempt!

    Here is what I would say:

    Helo, Grace!

    Sut wyt ti? Dw i´n grêt ac mae Connor yn brill!

    Beth wyt ti wedi bod lan i (what have you been up to?)? Dw i´n bwyta pice ar y maen (welshcakes) ac mae´n nhw´n flasus! Dwi´n dy golli di hefyd! Allai ddim aros dy weld ti eto yn yr ysgol!

    Ta ta am nawr!

    Brooklyn x

  3. Not really

    Helo Grace  

    Sut wyt ti? Dwi'n grêt ac mae Connor yn wych!(brill is not a Welsh word, if you must use it only have one 'l')

    Beth fuost ti'n wneud? Dwi'n bwyta *****(I don't know what you are trying to say here) Cymraeg, cacennau ****?) a maen't yn flasus.

    Dwi'n dy golli di hefyd. (the next sentence is unclear also, I'll guess at).Alla i ddim aros i gael dy weld eto yn yr ysgol.( I can't wait 'till I see you in school)

    Hwyl am y tro


    I suggest you write out what you want to say in English and I will translate it for you.

    Al G...I'm from North Wales.....

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