
Does this look wrong?

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If I am only 113 lbs my b***s are HUGE I am a 34DD some people tell me they look great but others say it doesn't look right for my age and weight!! oh plus how do I get them smaller?




  1. 13 but i have a 30a but all the gus @ my skool would fall all over i guess it can come in handy

  2. bench press or lifting weights doing bicep curls. also push-ups. these will burn off the fat [which is what b***s are made of]

    hope this helps!

    read my poem please? =];...

  3. Well, running will make your b***s smaller.  Running a LOT, I mean.  Also, dieting helps, because women usually lose weight in their b***s first, but if you're only 113 pounds, I'd suggest you don't diet, because you might lose weight where you need it, and then you'd look REALLY disporpotionate.

    Run if you want them to be smaller, but I wouldn't worry about it.  You'll grow into them, and everyone will be jealous.  ;)

  4. you sound like my friend Lol probably about the same weight, but yeah she is called Jess. Trust me it is better that you have b***s than a flat chest. My friend looks in proportion and I'm sure you do, she is 13, be happy and look on the brigth size. you don't need to get them smaller but sports bras sometimes flatten b***s so maybe if you wear them (If neccesary over your normal bra) It may help

    Hope I helped

  5. I bet that guys are the ones who think it looks good haha, you are probably just really skinny with HUGE b***s, I have the same problem, well I am not skinny cause I'm about to have a baby lol.  But I am actually getting a breast reduction when I am done breastfeeding, you could look into that.  And it is covered if they cause you back pain/problems (in Canada it is for sure).  Other wise just work out a lot and they will probably get smaller!

  6. Sorry, girl... there's nothing you can do to make them smaller, besides surgery.  I'm a DD, too, and my b***s were that size when I weighed like 98 lbs (I weigh a little more now.  okay, a lot more lol).  But anyway... I know how you feel.  You feel like everyone's staring at your b***s. And sometimes they are.  You feel like you can't wear certain clothes, and that stinks.  And they get in the way sometimes!

    But since you can't change it, you might as well look on the bright side.  You'll never have to wear a padded push-up bra and then worry that your boyfriend will be disappointed when he sees what's really there.  You won't have to worry about your husband staring longingly at some other woman's b***s, because yours rule!  Some women pay a lot of money to get b***s the size of ours... but you don't have to.  You can spend that money on a trip to hawaii!

    So try to make the best of it.  In the long run, the pros really do outweigh the cons.  =]

  7. Well you are 113. So I guess it would have to look right. I'm sure you meant 13 though. You'll grow into them.

    EDIT:I read that wrong. My bad. I was also reading my magazine at the time...You'll probably grow into them though. Does your family have a history of bigger b*****s?
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