
Does this make any sense to you? Therianthropy?

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I've come across many websites in the subject shifters, first and foremost I don't discriminate against most of these people that l want to make known.

I know the origins of shapeshifting meaning the actual context of the word, changing in shape. The term shapeshifting and the denizens related to it date far back to less populated times, but since when did therians start?

They are not shape changers, they do not exhibit physical attributes and yet they claim to be shifters. ln ways that we often cannot prove, personality and mindset is something as fickle as candles in a storm. lf they can't shapeshift then does therianthropy simply mean, 'thinks they are animals'? There is no history with therianthropy, no background no reason for them to act that way. Or are there, share your thoughts.

ln simple words, does therianthropy make any sense to you or are they just compensating?




  1. I've met several therians and I tend to believe them. However, I always define therians and otherkin as people who feel they are this other thing in spirit, not that they actually are non-human. It's not something that can really be proven like psychic vampirism theoretically could be.

    The shift that some therians experience can be visible to other people, but it's a subtle thing. They might run faster or react quicker than people would expect. There might be a change in their eyes and the overall sense of them. A woman I know who considered herself wolf-tiger-panther poly-were says she can easily take down people in a run when she shifts. She doesn't really look athletic, so it must surprise people when she does it. A bear-therian I know told me he shifted at work and freaked out his coworkers. (Since he works in security, seeming more bear-like is actually helpful when he wants to seem more imposing and scary.)

    I don't think it's usually just compensating, because most of these people seem quite normal and well-adjusted. I think I've only met one therian who actually seemed a bit odd.

    As to history, I think the argument can be made that Viking or Celtic Berserkers and the like could've been therians. They didn't actually change shape, but they were observed to become very fierce and predator-like in their demeanor.

    - P.

  2. Therianthropy is a very real and very misunderstood condition.  Therians do not “think” they are an animal, we are human and we are completely sane and aware of our humanity.  We have the spirits, or souls of an animal and sometimes of more than one animal inside us.  Our human mind coexists with our animal selves.  I am an arctic wolf and housecat therian.  I do not think I am a werewolf.  I cannot turn into a wolf.  I have what we call shifts.  

    My most frequent wolf shifts are astral, dream and phantom shifts.  But there are many more types of shifts.  When I have an astral shift, my aura will take the form of the wolf.  Normal people will react to astral shifts subconsciously.   For example, there have been times I have had astral shifts in public and my aura extends both in front of me and behind me more than usual, and normal people will not walk close to me.  They will subconsciously move to the side to let me pass before they need to, to compensate for my wolf aura.  I have also seen people react to otherkin that have wings, such as angels, demons, dragons and other winged otherkin having aura or phantom shifts,  in much the same way.  They will walk around the otherkin’s wings.  Dream shifts are when we dream of our animal’s life.  I believe that both my wolf and cat were once alive and when they sleep they dream.  My dream shifts are different than normal dreams in a few ways.  Normal dreams tend to be a mixture of things that happen during the day and memories that are blended into fantasy.  Dream shifts are often like watching a movie from the animal’s eyes.  It is constant.  If I am chasing an elk, it does not randomly cut to being in a den with cubs.  It is a memory of the hunt, then feeding on the animal.  Phantom shifts are like phantom limbs.  There are times when I can feel wolf parts.  I mostly feel a tail and ears.  Sometimes I can feel phantom fur.  

    My cat shifts are a bit different.  My cat is more blended with my normal self, so I have quite a few catlike characteristics.  My cat shifts are usually mental shifts, in which the cat sort of takes over. I tend to run faster, jump higher and hear better.  I will stalk things.  When I am at home, my mental shifts seem to consist of kneading my bed and napping.  I still able to talk normally during these shifts, and most of the changes seem to be behavioral.  During my cat mental shifts, my pet cats react differently to me.  

    Therianthropy has a rich history in ancient cultures.  It is just not called the same thing.  You will often have to read between the lines to see it.  Many Native Americans tribes tell of animal spirits guiding and helping their warriors and sometimes they say that a certain individual has the spirit of the hawk, or of the bear.  Many shamans of ancient religions were animal like when out of trances and even in Europe many people who had dog or wolf like characteristics were thought to be werewolves.  It is easy to see therianthropy in history if you dig deep enough.


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