
Does this make anyone else mad?

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A young man, a student of journalism, is sentenced to death by an Islamic court for downloading a report from the internet. The sentence is then upheld by the country's rulers. This is Afghanistan – not in Taliban times but six years after "liberation" and under the democratic rule of the West's ally Hamid Karzai.

The fate of Sayed Pervez Kambaksh has led to domestic and international protests, and deepening concern about erosion of civil liberties in Afghanistan. He was accused of blasphemy after he downloaded a report from a Farsi website which stated that Muslim fundamentalists who claimed the Koran justified the oppression of women had misrepresented the views of the prophet Mohamed.




  1. Islam don't allows this at all. Whatever has done, has been done very bad. These Afghans have tried to spread Islam through the weapons. That isn't the way to spread Islam. Qur'an says: "There is no forcement in religion". but these Taliban people are just mad. They have always tried to deal with weapons. I don't why they don't like rule of peace in world.

  2. it's sad , but no one is talking about the daily killing of the civilians in Afghanistan by the americans and the alley troops .

    it's sad that the west keep picking the news that suit his call and try to bury the ugliness of his crime,


    Afghan children killed by Nato fire  

    Protesters blocked a road in Kabul accusing US-led troops of killing Afghan children [REUTERS]  

    Nato-led troops have killed three Afghan children and injured seven during artillery fire in Afghanistan's eastern province of Paktika.

    Nato officials said that the attack on Monday happened by accident.

    The deaths in Paktika province are expected to deepen the rift between foreign forces and the Afghan government.

    The Afghan government has said that more than 500 civilians have been killed during operations by foreign and Afghan forces this year.

    Meanwhile in Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital, hundreds of protesters blocked a road, accusing foreign troops of killing a family of four, including two children.

    The family members were killed in an overnight raid by international troops, a police official and witnesses said.

  3. It does make me angry. Why? Islamic teaching is to LEARN more about religion.  

  4. [2:191] …….. OPPRESSION is worse than murder. See also, [2:217]

    Glorious Quran NEVER justifies this garbage ,only hadith supports this garbage.

    if the report is true and not a western propaganda against Islam.

    then this is WORST THEN MURDER.

    this is OPPESSION,and oppression is

    even worst Than Murder According to Glorious Quran.

    unless these false practices are not givenup by so called muslim countries,they will always have miseries,and problems,and invasions.

    wake up people ,Follow Quran Alone

    the TRUTH is wife beating is NOT allowed,as most think.

    this is what happens when one interprets Glorious Quran through Hadith.

  5. I thought you guys went there to fix all that *sigh* goes to show never trust an American or a Brit.

  6. Yeah they take this stuff seriously, Afghans are hardheaded people.. remember a few years ago when this guy converted to Christianity in France or somewhere n they were going to kill him for that lol  

  7. Most Muslims say that non-Muslims insult Islam and don't understand it.  However, when we see things like this we understand Islam perfectly.  Islam does not have a bad image because of the media, it has a bad image because of Muslims.  It would be better for this world if they blew themselves up and left the rest of us alone.

  8. It is very sad when a government just interprets Islam any way they like to instill fear in the public.

    Unfortunately, Muslims are very divided and wish to constantly argue about how they're right and everyone else is wrong, and who's Muslim and who's not. Some consider themselves supreme and perfect and forget humility and modesty.


  9. This is the kind of thing Muslims should be protesting instead of cartoons and teddy bears.  Non-Muslims pointed this out when it was first news, but Muslims haven't done anything.  Why is that?  "That Girl" seems to think it's funny that someone is sentenced to death.

    It's sad that Muslims blame Americans for the deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq when it's Muslims doing the killing.  Muslim (S. Hussein) was killing 250 people daily while ruling but no Muslim country helped their brothers and sisters.  Sunnis blow up Shia mosques.  Shia bomb Sunni in return.  Foreign Muslims blow up Iraqi police and army.

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