
Does this make me a complete failure?

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I'm 17 years old and a senior in high school. I still don't have a driver's license even though I know how to drive (long story, but I have to wait till I'm 18). In the past, I got put down by a lot of people, especially my parents. I was taken advantage of by my ex-boyfriend, and so I had to leave him because of that. Since then, I've been hanging with different guys, and we were kissing, drinking together, and more (no s*x though). I don't have a lot of friends, and I'm not good in school either. I have to re-take the SAT test and the ACT, and my grades are no more than average. I do care about my grades, and I study and pay attention in class, but my parents are making me take AP English and AP Spanish (since I'm better at languages), but those classes are hard for me. My parents always look at the children of those of their friends, and they always tell me that they wish that they had one of them, instead of me. I really want to, but I never give my parents happiness; I only make things worse for them. The only things that I can do well are Taekwondo and write poems. I write a lot of poems based on my emotions and experiences, and everyone says that they are great. As for Taekwondo, I'm not number one, but they say that I have skill for it. But as for college, my parents doubt that I'll ever get into a college because I'm not a great student, and I don't do well on tests (that's why I'm taking an SAT prerp class). Am I a failure for being a huge disappointment to my parents?




  1. you know what hun..i was the black sheep of my family, i got in an abusive relationship, didn't attend classes i never took the act or sat, i am in cosmetology college right now and i love it, i already have a job lined up for me when i graduate. you can be successful without having to go to college for four years, and i blame your parents for putting you down all the time, maybe if they encouraged you more than making you feel bad you know..but why not try a technical college or an apprenticeship with something you love. you dont need an act or sat score for that..

  2. no ur not, they should give u a break. u cant be perfect. parents always wish their children are, but the thing is, they just have to accept u as u are and love u that way. i  don't see that ur a failure at all! ur completely normal! i'm 19 and i've just got my license from a few days! so what? my grades are average and i'm in college now and doing fine. i love to do other things like writing and volunteering... i just do whatever it is i see is right and makes me happy not what others wish i do!

  3. your parents just need to accept you for who you are stop being so d**n critical of you. you aren't a failure

  4. no, you can only do as well you as you can. i mean you say that you try hard in school and everything, the fact that you come up a little short sometimes doesnt mean anything. and dont worry, with the number of kids who are going to college these days you should be able to get into college. maybe not an ivy league school like harvard, but a good state school. but either way you sound look a pretty cool girl. its ******* awesome that you do taekwondo, and you should be proud of yourself for that. keep on rocking, and if youre parents dont like it, s***w them.  

  5. You are NOT a failure.  I experienced a lot of the same emotions you are feeling when I was in high school, and trust me--things will get better!  It sounds like you are under an enormous amount of pressure.  Is there a teacher or counselor at school that you feel like you can share your feelings with?   It also sounds like you need to tell your parents how the pressure they put on you makes you feel.  Focus on your strengths, and just do the best you can in everything else.  Sounds like you are putting lots of effort in--and that's all that anyone can ask from you. Getting into a good college is NOT the only thing there is.  There are tons of options available to you when you leave high school, and you need to find the one that's right for you.  It is a guidance counselor's job to help you with decisions like this, so try to make an appointment with one at  your school.  Keep your head up, and don't let ANYONE put you down!!  

  6. I'm very sorry your parents have abused you in this way.

    It's their problem, not yours.

    Do the best you can and move out and on to your own life.

  7. Okay, you wrote way too much for me to read.  You suck, add another question..

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