
Does this make me a horrible person?

by  |  earlier

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First let me tell you WHY I'm asking this. My brother and I don't get a long. He's extremely mean, and is CONSTANTLY putting me down. Talking to him is like walking on pins and needles, even if he's being "nice". It's always something stupid too, that he yells at me for. Like today I was sitting in this chair in our TV room, and he told me to "get up". I told him no, I was there first, and it's not "his" chair. And last night, he asked me to drive him to a bar, and it was super late and I was super tired. I told him no, and to call someone else (Legally I can't even drive past midnight). He told me I was "an awful, terrible sister." and then continued to say "you're just a fat ***** who is inconsiderate of others". He also takes TOTAL advantage of me. Like yesterday we were driving downtown, and we didn't have much gas left. He made me pay for it, saying he didn't have any money. Then five minutes later he whipped out a $50 bill to buy gum. My parents don't listen to me. They think I'm being inconsiderate and a drama queen. I seriously can't deal with it anymore. He's SO mean, and only to me. It makes me cry all the time, even just thinking about what he says and does. Now I'm questioning if I even love him. I honestly don't know, or can't tell, if I love him anymore. Do you think that's reasonable, considering how mean he is to me?

Also, im asking this with a completely cool head. We haven't spoken since 4:00 today, so it's not like im asking in rage. And don't say I should see a therapist, my mother will absolutely freak out at me if I ask.




  1. Deep inside you probably still love him. But maybe you won't find that out for a while for how mean he is to and i understand how you feel mines the same way but with a sister. but no your not a bad person. your probably just sick and hurt is all.

  2. Really, u sould go and tell him how u feel!

    this is rly looks like me and my sister hehe, i always insult her but not with bad words, i always says "stupid", "u cant do that right" and such.

    as i think it is, he maybe justkidding with u and u dont get him right, but i dont know him so i cant tell.

    anyway, u have to tell him how u fell, it should make him understand how awful he behaved in frontof u.

  3. He sounds like a very mean person.  I feel sorry for whoever marries him.

  4. He is being abusive to you.  Asking you to drive him to a bar is unacceptable at any time.  There are books written about sibling abuse.  If your parents won't help you, I strongly suggest that you talk with your school counselor.  The problems you describe are serious.  Be strong and get help.  You can also make an anonymous call to CPS.  

  5. such a drama queen...

  6. no it makes you human - no one likes to be called names or taken advantage of -

    if your brother does all of the things you say he does - he won't get far in life - your family might tolerate his selfishness but i doubt the general public will - these are not personality flaws someone can easily hide - no one wants to be buddys with someone who won't chip in for gas or always needs a ride somewhere

    he'll get his - rest assured

    in the mean time - just remind yourself its not your problem it's his - if he asks for a ride say 'nope sorry' - if he calls you nasty names say 'grow up'

  7. Have you told your brother about how you feel about him mistreating you? Have you told him about how he's making you feel?  

  8. He's like every other brother... he knows how to push your buttons and enjoys doing so.. It's a game to him.. to see just how many buttons he can push... what you have to learn to do is let him know his taunts and c**p does not bother you AT ALL... if he knows he can't push those buttons, he will get bored with the game and stop... of course he probably will accelerate the button pushing at first until he realizes he can't bug you any more... stand up to the bully but use intelligence rather then rage.... it works wonders

  9. My daughter has a a half brother who was always horrible to her. I had to get involved a couple of times to take control of the situation. But when she got to be about 19 or so - he's five years older - he began to treat her nice and is now very protective of her. Today, I am glad he is there for her. They both matured as they grew older. I know it's easy for me to say, but just ride the storm out. Things will get better as you both get older.  

  10. To be completely honest, I don't think so.

    BUT on the other hand, I don't know both sides of the story(ies).

    I think that HE is a USER, and uses others, and twists things around to make him look good, and other look bad.  

    Try talking to one of your parents, in private, at a time of relaxation, so that they aren't in a hurry.  Really try to get through to one of them.

    If that still doesn't work, secretly record a event, that will prove to them that he is mentally abusing you.

    Good luck.

  11. You are not a horrible person sounds like your brother is just pushing your buttons to see what he can get away with. Stand your ground ask him if he sees Cab tattooed on your forehead the next time he wants a ride to a bar. If he is old enough drink he is old enough to get himself there not your responsibility.

    Or you could say you buy I fly in other words charge for the gas upfront get your money before you hit the road. Tell your brother if he expects to get respect out of you then he will have to show some respect for you in return. Set him straight gurl. If he starts running his mouth in a negative way with you walk away refuse to participate in that conversation and tell him if he cannot speak to out of respect there will be no conversation until he learns how to treat his sister.

    Boys are full of spit and vinegar it is their raging hormones. Just stand up to him you are no-more worse sister then he is a brother. I think he might back off if you stand up to him. Good luck

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