
Does this make me a jelous weirdo?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend was in love with his ex girlfriend, he fell in love with her when he was 17.. He has a massive scar up his arms where he tried to kill himself when they broke up becuase of the distance..

Recently i found out that he has been texting her but deleting the messages as i was sending a text on his phone and she was in his recent contacts,

now i don't have a problem with him keeping in touch with his ex girlfriends, but i dont see why he feels the need to delete the messages, now i keep finding missed calls and answerphone messages from her, i don't read his phone without his permission but half the time he asks me to check his voicemail,

i asked him why he deleted the messages and he just says i dont know as thats his answer to everything..

So far i have nothing to say that their chatting more than just friends and he got really upset when i said we should break up (for another reason) so i know he doesnt want to end it with me..

does this weird thing i have about him texting his ex-girlfriend make me an obsessive weirdo or do other poeple do it?





  1. nope totally agree

  2. This guy has not moved on from that relationship. He's trying to string you along hoping that you'll help him get over it. It's not worth it it. He's not into you because he can't let go of her. You should let him go and find a boyfriend who thinks you're the greatest girl ever. Settling for someone who's emotionally unavailable always leads to a painful end.

  3. your not an obsessive weirdo. keeping in touch with his ex constantly and deleting the messages does seem weird though. when he does have his phone, take it and see what his been txt messaging and stuff it doesnt mean your obsessive. he looks like his cheating on you or something so all you want to do is find out whats going on without upseting him

  4. I don't think you're an obsessive weirdo. I think it's right for you to feel suspicious, ESPECIALLY if he's deleting the messages. If he had nothing to hide, why would he delete them?

    It sounds like he's a cheater :T. Maybe you should try confronting him again about it, but if it still doesn't work out the only option may be to break up with him.

  5. yeaaaaaa.......

  6. show him this message you wrote on Yahoo answers

    and see if he understands

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