
Does this make me evil?

by  |  earlier

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ok when i was 17 i got this rat that was alive trapped in a sticky trap in the kitchen and i poured lighter fluid on it and set it ablaze and watched it burn until it died, does this make me evil?




  1. wtf!!!! u basturd go to h**l. I hate rats but youd don't need to do that! GO KILL YOURSELF!

  2. In my opinion, yes. This makes you a horrible person. Why would you EVER think it is okay to burn a living creature alive? We all make stupid mistakes, and hopefully you learn from yours. As an animal lover, I refuse to believe that you aren't a sick person for burning that rat. Sorry.

  3. You were a 17 year old playing with fire, thats not that evil, could have done worse.  

  4. Yes you should be ashamed, it's a living thing. It had the right to live.

    How would you like it if someone done it to you.

    You should be banned from having any animals. You ****.

  5. 17 year olds should know better than that. ugh that is disgusting that anyone would do that and the saddest thing of all is that there's possibly people out there who do much worse to animals anddon'tt own up to and don't value the lives of animals. it's nice you owned up to it but that is extremely sickening that anyone would do that to a poor rat :( :( but that is no excuse for going around and posting what you did in other topics)

  6. that's mean you should only kill  animals when they are overpopulated.  but you still shouldn't burn them. you are evil, sorry

  7. Well uh ya! It is a living creature that God sent from heaven, and was put on this earth for a reason. How would you like it if someone went and burnt you to death. You are a cruel man and you should be reported to the animal cruelty police. Though they might not do anything because it happened over a year ago, you should at least be reported. You are a sick human being.

  8. Only if you think it does. I would think you did it just so people can tell you your evil. But I'm not going to, you just want attention.  

  9. YES!!!!! it does!!!

    poor rattie :(

  10. no, its only an animal, if you want to kill animal better do it fast

  11. Yes.  Glue traps are inhumane and what you did to kill the rat was a criminal offence.  

  12. yes. that horrid. why on earth did you do that? if it was bothering you in the kitchen, then catch it, and next time you go for a drive, stop about a mile away and release it

  13. evil? no. Pyromaniac? yes.

  14. ur cruel u should go to h**l that is so mean y would u do that thats wel out u git

  15. Ew I bet that stunk.

  16. yes. your suck $%&(*&^%$$%^&())&@%%^&(*)*###%%^&*((((*&...

  17. That is cruelty (sp?) to animals. You shouldn't do that. It's a tempting thing for humans to do but it shouldn't be done...

  18. We all do things sometimes in life, we are not proud of.

    However, to bedevil someone or something is really hard.

    I do believe in karma, so it will come back to you some day in some way. However, if you really have regrets and want to change your life you should make up for it, eg. doing volunteery work in sanctuaries.  

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