
Does this make me left-handed?

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I only write with my left hand, but I do everything else with my right. I play sports with my right, I use scissors with my right. But I can only write with my left hand. So does this make me left handed or right handed? I also kick a ball with my right.




  1. umm... ambidextrous?

    Which would mean you can use both hands.

    From Wikipedia:

    "Ambidexterity is the state of being equally adept in the use of both right and left appendages (such as the hands). It is one of the most famous varieties of cross-dominance.

    Although ambidexterity is rare, ambidextrous people may still gravitate towards performing certain types of tasks with a specific hand. The degree of versatility with each hand is generally the qualitative factor in determining a person's ambidexterity."

  2. You're are ambidextrous....

  3. both just one is more powerful than the other

  4. I think it does make you left handed. I write with my left as well, but since I have had to adapt to a right handed world, do many things with my right.  

  5. I consider myself left handed but I only write with my left but can do everything else with both.

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