
Does this make me suicidal??

by  |  earlier

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I think about overdosing on pills all the time, but never do. One of my parents is always home, and I can never be alone. I couldn't even drive somewhere and overdose because they call me all the time and would call the police if I didn't answer. Basically, I haven't taken the pills because they would find out, and raise h**l about it. Does this mean I am not suidical?? Because if I was truely suidicial, I would take the pills and forget how they would respond if I failed??




  1. No but you have suicidal thoughts.  I have too. Visualizing what it would look like.  I think it's good that you care that they would "raise h**l about it".  That is a good sign that you care about the people in your life that care about you.

  2. You have a suicidal tendency.

    Darling, what in your life has made you so unhappy that you want to overdose on something? Problems are only temporary; suicide is permanent.

    It is indeed a good thing that you're never alone. Perhaps this is God's way of telling you that your time isn't up, and that you should remain here on Earth for those who care about you.

    Try your d**n hardest not to think about doing that again. People really do care, whatever your issue is with life, and taking yourself out of the picture won't do much good.

  3. you do seem to have a fixation on what might occur if you did take the pills and you seem to have thought about it a lot, but i assure you everything will be ok. Just keep busy with what you have to do but if you ever get really depressed or find yourself in a situation where you could take all those pills and you still want to, please ask for help. This is not a good feeling and suicide is definitely the wrong way to go about dealing with problems.  

  4. You ARE sucicisal of your thinking about doint it all the time. You just havnt done it yet dosent mean your not sucicidal. You need help, call a Sucicide Hotline-go get counseling or somthing......GROW UP there is NO REASON YOU SHOULD FEEL THE NEED TO KILL YOURSELF UNLESS YOUR ONLY TRYING TO GET ATTENTION, and you will get the WRONG ATTENTION

  5. I know that you're not looking for attention. it's a chemical imbalance in you're brain. you're NOT suicidal but you have a suicidal tendency which is almost as bad.

    dude,please, don't take your life. you're life matters to people and if you did, imagine how terrible the people who love you would feel. it's almost selfish because you would be causing all these people grief and sorrow that they should not feel.

    and see a therapist. i dont mean "oh maybe think about it and see if the feelings go away" go to your mom or dad and say "mom i don't feel right" and explain your case and TELL your mom you need to go to a therapist.

    keep on keeping on...

  6. There are a few steps along the way, so what is 'suicidal' depends on who is deciding.

    suicidal thoughts - sometimes think about, no plan

    suicidal intrusive thoughts - can't help but think about it, start to have a plan

    suicidal (maybe still thinking, maybe acting) - plan and means

    suicidal (probably committing) - plan and means and intent

    You sound like you have a plan and the means so I think you really should get some help.  Talk to your parents.  You might be surprised how supportive they can be.  Talk to a school counselor, or call a crisis line.  If it gets bad, go to emergency.  If you are like most ppl, it's not you that you want to end, it's making the pain stop.  There are ways to do that.  You just have to ask.

  7. You are obviously suicidal and you should not be this way no matter how your life is. Think of a bright future and all the things you can do and accomplish. Ending your life now will not prove anything and will harm those who love you. Get some help immediately please! I see its not for attention its mostly a cry for help.

  8. You are having suicidal thoughts, but are not exactly suicidal. To be suicidal you would have to be on the verge of committing the act.

    I would agree with the first answer in that the member thinks you are crying out for attention. If you truly had any intention of overdosing, either as an experiment or as an attempt at suicide, you would have done so by now.

    If you take the pills before going to bed you won't have to worry about anyone checking up on you.

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