
Does this make sense ? (SPANISH)?

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Colombia es solo pais de America del Sur que tengo de costa en oceano Atlantico e Pacifico.

What i'm trying to say is:

Colombia is the only country in South America that has coasts in the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

Is that right?




  1. Yes

  2. It kinda gets the idea across but is very poorly worded.

    Colombia es el solo pais de America del Sur que tiene costas en el Atlantico e el Pacifico.

  3. You would be understood but Beautiful aced it.


  4. It should be....

    Colombia es el único país de América del Sur que tiene costas en el Océano Atlántico y Pacífico

  5. You can see that there are many possible ways to translate this sentence.

    You may want to try plugging it into the translation engine at It will first run it through the Google translation engine, and then users in the community who speak Spanish will correct the mediocre job that Google does.

    That way you get to see the best edits done by the community, as well as the history of corrections.

  6. "Colombia es el único país de América del Sur que tiene costas en el Océano Atlantico y en el Océano Pacífico."

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