
Does this make sense and is it a ok poem ????

by  |  earlier

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You lied to my face

Does it fell great?

Did it feel good? As you slapped me in the face

With your ungrateful taste Of hate ….

Despite your lies I will rewind Time.

The crime you done against me can to forgiven as seen,

but you as a person need be far away from me.

The things we done the songs we sung..Hung by a noose of false truth.. You done me wrong and now or relationship is gone,

so long …. Let me tell you of a era when time was clearer... feelin on top of the world. .popin off at the mouth at every sad sap who thought they were hard. but those times are far.. I thank My God they are…. You stab me once fine… stab me twice let it be ….

but the third time “PEACE!!”…..

So live the life style that seems unreal to me ..try and keep it up land on your butt. Maybe its what you need … a wake up call … a smack in the face by reality it will be real sad you’ll see …. Let your homeis be as the old me..Cold and dark and sneaky (sigh) you Hurt the ones who would bleed for the . ,, but know this you’re a twofaced back stabbin fiend … haha but jus remember in the end your wrong because now your written out of my song ….. try and look me up ill be long gone ….

Dedicated to towfaced people …. My buddies




  1. I do not think it makes a strong enough poem, seems more like a rant or possibly a song. Parts of it seem to be like a poem and then it goes off on a rant and gets a bit choppy toward the end. Its not my kind of thing, Maybe others will like it

  2. passionate, i like it

  3. In Memorian John Lennon...

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