
Does this make sense to anyone?

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I hear this but find it hard to understand. "Illegal aliens can not collect welfare, get food stamps, etc." Why because it is against the law so they can not do it! If that is the case then we have no illegal aliens because it is against the law so they have to stay on their side of the border!




  1. In many states, you need to provide a verifiable social security number, and supplemental documentation to get government benefits.  In a state where the case workers are actually doing their jobs, illegal aliens can't get government benefits for themselves.  In cases where there is an American citizen child involved, the child can get the benefits, but the parent still needs to provide their own information.  And it doesn't matter if an illegal alien has an American citizen child or not, they can still be detained and deported.

    Before y'all go all crazy about how the "illegals are raping our system" why doesn't anyone ever talk about all of the legal Americans who abuse the system because they make more money on welfare than they do working a minimum wage job?  They are just as much of a drain on the system, if not more so, especially if they are able to work.  All sorts of people take advantage of systems that will give you something for nothing--it doesn't matter what color they are what language they speak or where they call home.

  2. Illegals only interpret the laws as they see fit, that's why they steal identities, get fake social security numbers and break more laws to reap the benefits!!!! Every illegal should have to pay this money back when caught and deported. I believe the welfare system should use e-verify and check status of everyone who applies!!!

  3. Yeah, well it's against the law to MURDER someone, yet it's done everyday.  How about that.

  4. They sure do get welfare and many other benefits. Once they have their anchor kid(s) they get it through them. They are also known to have fake SS numbers which also helps them to help themselves to American tax paying citizen programs.

  5. You have found an answer yourself for your in-humanitarian

    question .

    But I don't think that any such law exists

  6. No your unintelligible rambling does not make any sense to me, sorry.

  7. To many illegals brag and admit they use the system.My neighbor works at the human services dept and says most of the hispanics in our community are illegal and collect every thing they can get.All they have to do is produce feak documents or have an anchor baby.

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