
Does this make sense(biology answer)?

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does this make sense to you

My life has been affected by biology in that seeing the way our bodies work and malfunction?

if it dont can you tell me what i should change please?

and if it is im suppose to draw a picture about it

would drawing a skeloton and labeling the heart etc be how are bodies work

and how our bodies malfuction would be liver damage of the people who drink beer?




  1. Your sentence is incomplete. You have to say that seeing the way our bodies work and malfunction has done *something.* The way you have it now is a dangling clause.

    The heart is a good example of how our bodies work. Actually, you could pick any of the systems of the body and it would be a good illustration of how bodies work.

    Liver damage from people who drink lots of alcohol isn't really a way that the body "malfunctions." It's more *damage* than malfunction. If you wanted an example of malfunction, cancer is a pretty good example. Or there are tons of diseases that result from protein changes, like Alzheimer's, Huntington's, etc.

    Good luck with your project! =)

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