
Does this make since to anyone else.?

by Guest31956  |  earlier

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Im a Christian and I love God, but as some of you may have seen, my thing says agnostic. The reason for this is i do not believe that God scripted our lives out according to what he wants. Now I know someones gonna want a reason for this so here it is. Because that would mean that some of us would be destined to go to h**l because he'd be writing the things that we do. Therefore in turn taking away freewill. Just to make things clear, I DO believe in God, but to me, thats not plausable. If u hate me for how I believe, I dont really care. lol

If ive got part of it worded wrong, please tell me. Im sure most of u understand what im saying though.

Im not trying to start a religious war, its just my belief and im asking if anyone else agrees.




  1. I'd say if you are a Christian and love God, I would not personally call you agnostic (not that I mind you calling yourself one).  

    Christians have different beliefs about whether God has a particular plan, and most believe in free will (at least somewhat).  They may just believe that God already KNOWS what they are going to choose freely, and can plan accordingly.  Many find it comforting to think that God has a positive plan or special role waiting for them, and don't see it as a limiting restriction.  

    I'd say your view is quite widely held, but most people would consider agnostic to mean you were undecided about the EXISTENCE of God, not the precise nature of God or God's plan for people.

    And to answer your question, yes it makes sense to me (I'm not saying by this that I share your belief).  I think it's very positive that you are thinking about it, too, and not just go along with other people's ideas without considering them.

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