
Does this make you angry?

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Of course the MIL screamed. Who wouldn't? I would. Those FBI agents should be fired, don't you think? Cause of dismissal: too dumb to be FBI agents. Seriously, if someone screams then it should make you think twice. Hmmm...They haven't apologized for killing the dogs who were black labs. Is anyone else willing to lend support to help make sure justice is served to these brain dead twits who call themselves FBI agents?




  1. It wasn't the FBI, it was county cops. The city's police chief is pissed they were not notified so he could have made them aware it was the mayor's home. The FBI has opened an investigation into how the matter was handled by the dimwit county cops.

    It was really messed up. They already knew that how the scam worked was that the crooks sent the packages to total strangers' addresses, with no signature required so they could be left out front, and then accomplices were prepared to pick them up before the homeowners could get the package. Probably it was a house that had been cased and they knew no one was normally home during that time of day. Surprise, surprise on this particular day, someone was home to sign for delivery.

    The mayor's wife said a girl who normally sees her walking the dogs came up to her and said something along the lines of "If the cops did that to your dogs, how am I ever supposed to trust them?" Sad!

    Yeah, it makes me angry too, and sad that people feel that they cannot trust law enforcement anymore when something like this happens.

    ***It was not an FBI raid. The FBI is investigating the county cops who did this - because when a law enforcement agency screws up, a higher agency is usually called in to investigate the s***w-up.

  2. Sounds like local dumb asses instead of he FBI. The FBI are investigating the local cops. But none the less sounds normal to me Most cops think they are tin badge gods. They need to fired and run completely out of the country.  

  3. i think it is wrong

  4. I would be furious.....that was handled all wrong.  Unless they had probable cause to raid the house I'd say it was wrong.  The dogs probably were not aggressive and so they should have never been shot.

  5. No it doesn't make me mad.  If it came from CNN then there's a lot more to it than what they've printed.  I've seen too many things that has come from CNN that was either false or just a flat out lie.  It's for this fact that I won't react to anything CNN has to say.

  6. I'm not angry.  I was an MP in the Marines for 6 years.  Dogs can be aggressive and attack people without a problem.

    If someone screams, that makes them innocent?  THAT'S too dumb.  I think it makes them more likely to be guilty.  If you see cops coming up on your house, you welcome them inside and let them look around if you're innocent.  She was alerting others to the presence of the law enforcement agents, and they had time to react quickly, including setting their dogs on the cops.

    They acted lawfully and correctly.

  7. Yeah that makes me made and I'm a police officer (mp) in the army so they make us look really bad. when we raid a house where not allowed to shoot dogs unless there really aggressive towards us and then we still have to Refrain form shooting the dog only if it try's to bit us then we have grounds to kill the dog. but not for sport just to shoot the dog for fun that was wrong, andwrongfull use of force.

  8. i dont really get what your saying/asking...sorry

  9. That is enfuriating! Those police should be laid off with no unemployment checks!

  10. What I read is the story of Mayor Calvo's dog's shot by the police when the raid the house of the Mayor, not introducing themself first, a mistake they made.

    ACTUALLY even cops and Federal agents makes mistakes they are after all human beings just like you and me. Your question-DOES THIS MAKES ME ANGRY- it does and it will for always as long as blunder like these keeps on coming from law enforcer who should be protecting us and guarding our liberty and freedom. But as they say 'they sometimes are prone to more mistakes with a little training and not using their common sense a  little bit'.....

  11. Yeah the cops should be fired and the mayor and his wife should sue the FBI!

    Check out my questions.;...

  12. Did you read the article? The FBI is doing the investigation on the law enforcement agency involved with the atrocity.

    My question is: Why do we the citizen put up with this c**p? Why doesn't the citizens ban together and march on the department head quarters with pitch fork in hand and demand responsible action and over haul the incompetence of this so called law enforcement agency? As long as we the people let it go, it will continue. This is clearly another example why we should bare arms ourselves. The mayjor had every right to shot these turds dead in their tracks for unlawful and forceful entry.

  13. Yes it is totally wrong!

    I wish PETA or someone for animal rights would come in.

  14. thats...absolutely rediculous..but i mean are ya really surprised?..cops abuse power all the time..all they wanna do is shoot their d**n guns..they dont know how to "protect and serve" anymore..some cops are good decent men..but a lot of them take the job to serve their own insecurities..rather than the purpose of justice..they shouldve never shot the dogs..i hate people...

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