
Does this make you ashamed to be British?

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I'm not easily shocked, but I think the behaviour of these girls and boys is disgusting.*x-drugs-booze-violence-Welcome-Malia-party-resort-serving-lethal-holiday-cocktail-young-Brits.html

Sadly, I don't think it is too far removed from any UK city centre on a Saturday night.

I was once young myself, but there are limits......

Are we failing our young people and why do they have such little self respect?




  1. its their choice, their long as i aint one of those stupid people i really dont care.

  2. As it says under the picture, tour firms manipulate their naivity. That just about sums it up really!

  3. OMG, i would be ashamed to be a Brit too...i mean seeing that black guy around all those white girls-i thought that was a problem we only had here in America!

    Disgusting! Those girls need BEAT!  

  4. Such a disgrace. I wont be letting my teenage children go to some island to get plastered and pregnant. No thank you.

  5. New Labour smashed up traditional family life and, that's what you get. Continentals are far to sensible to treat their kids in the appalling way we do, so their kids are better behaved. We really are one dumb country led by dumb people and the rest of the world laughs at us. I mean, alcohol is far cheaper in Spain and France than here, but do they behave the same?  'Nuf said.

  6. Unfortunately this is the same behaviour they exhibit every weekend in town centres up and down the UK.

    There appear to be three reasons for this - cheap booze, lack of experience in knowing when you've had enough booze/drugs and being let off the leash with no one to answer to.

    I have to say I am ashamed that this is the image of today's 16-25 year olds that is printed in magazines and newspapers around the world.

  7. its there attitude to life some girls behave like hookers its no wonder they get assaulted,   i would never allow any teenager of mine to go there.  

  8. sometimes, but then i think back at some of the stupid things  we did, when young, and can't say that i condemn them outright

    And as i mentioned in a previous post, i don't see any of these bars, clubs, ever turning them away, they have money in their pocket and will spend it. Its down to the bar owners but they won't do anything now will they.>>>

    and if you don;t think other countries teens don;t do this then think again. Have travelled a lot and seen it as they say with my own eyes.

  9. Barney it's not just the English who are British you know,

    You Scots are British to,

      i could say the say as you though,

    I am not ashamed because i am English, ( it works both ways, eh? )

  10. No of course not

    I Have been to Malia and these teenagers are encouraged to behave like this

    drinks are cheap and sometimes free , i am not a big drinker but was offered free drinks and bottles of wine on most days

    there are loads of s*x shops in Malia too its a haven for teenagers who want to go wild

    the Behaviour  cant be excused but it shouldn't be encouraged

    the German kids are also just as bad other nationalities are also behaving this way in Malia

  11. Holy sh*t. that's pretty frightening..I wouldn't do stuff like that.

    I'm British but I don't think that makes me any more likely to be like these dumb kids.

  12. It's depressing behaviour but the misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic Daily Mail has no right to comment on what's right and wrong.  

  13. no,  because there will be people from all over the world who act like this, not just Britain, even though i think its horifically bad behavior...

  14. I'm not british but all I can say is that most teens do this,all over the world.

    not surprising.

  15. No, why would it? They're not anything to do with me. I hate all of this proud to be/ashamed to be British c**p. It's just where you were born and grew up.

  16. I would like to visit Britain some day. From what I understand, Britain is a safer country than America. Where I live you cannot really walk the streets at night. It is even dangerous to drive around sometimes.

  17. No it doesn't make me ashamed to be British.Believe it,this happens everywhere,in all countries,in all cities,the biggest difficulty Brits face is the fact that everyone is speaking English,especially when caught.You would be surprised.

  18. I think of myself as English, so no not me. British doesn't mean what it used to ..sadly

  19. I don't go to any of the "tourist traps" for my holiday, a quiet coach trip to Europe or a relaxing holiday somewhere in Britain make a good holiday experience for me.

  20. It doesn't make me ashamed to be British, these are the actions of individual people, not of their nationality.

  21. not really

    is santa claus embarrassed by the fact that harold shipman had a beard?

    i doubt it

  22. Only British?  I wonder.  It also begs the question as to what local police and magistrates are doing.

    Unfortunately, just as in Britain, I suspect that the philosophy 'Anything for a quid/Euro/dollar'  rules.  Remember Blair's neoliberal government actively encouraged drunkenness here by extending opening hours, and Brown's neoliberal shambles continues to do so by holding down the price of drink.  To this generation of politicians, anything that puts money into the coffers of business is good, and never mind the unseen cost to the NHS, or to families affected by alcoholism.

    We need to sort out the cause of the phenomenon first!

  23. im not ashamed to be british cos i am scottish."THE MASTERRACE"

  24. I don't know whether I'd be ashamed, but these animals are revolting like someone has already said New Labour should take some blame but mainly the scummy lowlife garbage that go over to those countries and behave that way. The more people like these that re-enhance the stereotype of an english/british people being lowlifes the less and less I feel the pride in being  english/british myself.

  25. Not ashamed to be British - just thankful that

    (a) I'm not under 25 anymore.

    (b) When I was, I didn't feel that drinking enough alcohol to make me vomit was . . . fun.

    (c) I knew that making love was so much more enjoyable if you knew you were actually doing it.

    (d) If a companion was braindead enough to get sick with alcohol and have s*x with a drunken stranger - it didn't mean that I had to do the same.

    Most so-called "liberal" countries are sadly infested by teenage idiots who believe that they invented s*x and that every human over 25 shouldn't be breathing valuable air because we know NOTHING!

  26. The behaviour of these individuals is a disgrace.I do not feel ashamed to be British myself because I, or any of my family would not behave like this.

    The cause is entirely down to their background and very bad parenting.The parents have had no control over these kids whatsoever.I work for a very large company in the UK and the public are not much better than the kids.They are rude,self centred and arrogant and have no self respect,so what chance have the kids got.  

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