
Does this man go to h**l, Christians?

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A murderer who is certifiably, legally and truly insane -- who does not understand the wrong he does -- yet believes in Jesus and considers himself a Christian.

Does he go to h**l?

In your opinion.




  1. Nope. Sin is a choice.  

  2. Only God can decide who is saved and who is lost.

  3. Its most likely the murderer is not aware of what being a Christian is all about. If however he/she does fully understand, or maybe has some mental illness to commit the murder, I believe they get in Heaven, and if he/she does not repent for that sin, they will not receive reward in Heaven. But if he/she lets this sin control his/her life, they're probably not a Christian. But the afterlife...who knows, God is the righteous judge.

  4. Isn't anyone who believes in a magic invisible friend legally and truly insane?


  6. In my opinion, no. One who is mentally ill cannot grasp concepts of right and wrong, much less theological subtleties. He may very well be claiming to believe in Jesus simply due to social conditioning.

  7. solarius had it right! Social conditioning.

    Bible anybody?

  8. Sin is sin. If we sugar coat it, it is sugar coated sin....etc

  9. Even demons believe in God

  10. And what is your solution?

    Say the man doesnt, take away all of his hope and give him the only option - continue killing?

  11. I am muslim but for christians the answer should be the same NO. Any christian who belives differently is not following the teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him) God is merciful and loving and surely knows our flaws.  

  12. He shouldn't, but if he doesn't understand his sin he can't repent and thus he will burn with the other christians who failed god. Hitler was out of his mind, but baptized catholic and never excommunicated. Suicide no longer a mortal sin in the church so in theory he'll go to heaven if the individual in question does. It's a bit of a matter of opinion, but by the arguments I've seen on here at least I'd say christians would send him to h**l by their own beleifs.

    Take solice in the fact that god doesn't exist. There is no evidence in history that jesus was a real person. And his entire back-story comes from Mithra, a persian Deity who existed 1200 yrs before christianity was started.

  13. No, going by your criteria he does not have working understanding of what "sin" is.

    To sin is to have knowledge that one is going against God.

  14. To be fair, if he's a insane and doesn't understand what he's doing is wrong, then it isn't his fault is it?


  15. Personally I don't believe in a literal h**l.  So, no.  He won't go to h**l.  Besides, if he is really insane, he doesn't know what he's doing.

  16. ok honestly because he's insane and doesn't realize what he's doing is wrong it's not his fault but however the bible does the innocent we be in h**l also in the bible there was a man that was insane cut himself lived inside a cave hit himself with stones and all kinds of stuff that we consider not normal but this man or the demons that live in this man knew who Jesus was so even though he was insane he knew God also if you are a murderer you can't truly call yourself a christian in the bible the lord you can't serve two masters and since God is all about life taking life is of the devil  so in my opinion he want make it unless he repents and turns from it meaning he stops killing

  17.   There is no h**l and God assures the salvation of all.  .If he believes Jesus was God and follows christianity, he is certainly in need of spiritual advice..If He reads give him a copy of Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch..This will cure his spiritual misconceptions and who knows maybe his mental problems.. There is no problem too big for the real God... God bless

  18. well im sorry i cant give o a definite answer but matters such as that are between a person and God. we can always make assumptions from the evidence in a persons life but we can only guess. my question to you though is if he is truly insane, how do we know that he mentally has the capacity to believe in the atoning death of Jesus on the cross for the remission of his sins.if you are insane does your mind have the capacity to have convictions i guess is the real question.but on a side note im also guessing he was probably perfectly normal sane man,its just the atheist thought he was crazy for believing in God as they all believe about the rest of us. im assuming.

  19. In Texas everybody goes to heaven no matter how sinful or righteous they are (but most of them tend to be sinners of the worst sort). And they also execute mentally challenged teenagers. But I guess because they believe they are sending the person to paradise that this is considered a "kind" act.

  20. Well according to their cult book, no that person would go to heaven because all you have to do is have faith in almighty jebus and you will be saved.  You can kill people left and right, rape, molest, or anything else that was done in the name of their god throughout history.  It's called once saved, always saved.  According to them, you could be a convicted serial killer on death row and go to heaven just by accepting jebus but for those people the murderer killed who didnt accept the zombie man, theyre in h**l.  How's that for a just judge?

  21. in my "opinion" no....but its just an opinion, I am not qualified enough on this to speak for God...however, from what I've read, and what I've been taught, and to my own way of thinking, then no..this man would not go to h**l, but not because he believes in Jesus, or consideres himself a christian..after all...if he is certifiably, legally, truly insane..then he would not be mentally stable enough to really truly accept Jesus..when you really truly except truly don't goes directly against what Jesus taught..Jesus taught that if we were angry then we commited murder in our hearts..and whats in our hearts matters. But to me..this man would go to heaven..because if he is certifiably, legally, truly insane..then he has not mental capacity for his actions..and while its sad, and frustrating, and confusing...he is not accountable for actions..if he does not understand that they are wrong.

  22. The only thing that can send a person to h**l is mortal sin.  That's why it is called "mortal", or as John refers to it in the Bible, "sins unto death".  Mortal sin requires full rational consent of the will.  If a person is not capable of giving rational consent concerning his/her actions, then he/she cannot commit mortal sin.  Such people are mentally ill and need to be confined for the good of society, but the matter of their eternal salvation is something only God can judge.

  23. In the words of a Christian I encountered the other day we are all Lying, Thieving, blasphemous adulterers. We're all going to h**l unless we devote our lives to the Lord. I personally don't believe that this man will be condemned to h**l. Insanity is a mental illness. He is seeing everything in his own way, in his own world. Maybe he doesn't understand that he is taking lives. If there is a god, he intended it to be that way. He will decide.

  24. Yes he will go to h**l.  

  25. Who goes to h**l and who goes to heaven is not up to us to decide.  

  26. If someone is insane, he isn't responsible for his actions -- legally or morally. According to your criteria, he doesn't understand what he has done wrong, so he can't be condemned for what he doesn't comprehend.

    In all probability, he would go to Heaven.

  27. If he accidental killed someone lets say he got mad struck them not really meaning to hurt them to the point of death yes he will go to heaven, if he strangled someone then cut them up into tiny pieces then he buried them in the woods he knew what he was doing.And someone like that do not give a rats a** about Jesus.Moses a man of God killed a man for mistreating a slave.He was chosen by God.So I guess it is really up to God and who are we to judge.

  28. I think I saw that one on TV. It was a Lifetime Original movie right? I really liked the  part where you find out his perfectly sane twin brother, a Democratic congressman, did it and then he marries Susan Luci.

  29. Good ?  I'am not the judge.

  30. We are not the Judge.

    However, since your question is asking for our opinion........He'll be responsible for the acts he has done according to his understanding.

  31. Jesus is the Judge.

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