
Does this mean I'm racist?

by  |  earlier

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Since I was younger, and even more so now, if I'm watching tv and I see a show on with all black people, I immediately change the channel, I dont even think, I just do it. I sometimes watch reality dating shows, and when it's 2 white people, I'll watch it, but if it's two black people, I wont take the time to watch it, simply for that reason. I've had black friends before, and I dont look down on black people, at all. I can't figure out why I do this. It seems so weird. Can anyone offer any explanations? Does anyone else do this?




  1. Well, no.

    People sometimes like to only watch shows because the people who play in them, you can relate to...

  2. I am the same way, less now then when I was younger.   I think its a cultural thing.  Maybe you don't think you would like the programs because you feel you have nothing in common with the characters.  As long as you don't have hate in your heart and don't treat people different because of what they look like or the sort, I wouldn't consider you a racist.  Watch what you want on TV, we wouldn't of known unless you told us.

  3. ur un-canadian, canadians are way better than americans

  4. a study shows 90 percent of white people are subconsciously racist against blacks so probably

  5. I wouldn't technically call you a 'racist'. What you are doing is more of a defense mechanism from what I can see. You may have had a bad experience with an African American which causes you to do this. You may change the channel so you don't have memories of that experience.

    For what it is worth, racism is more like calling a different race inappropriate names or you thinking that your race is more supreme than another race.

  6. I have discussed this phenomenon with others, not as a point of biasness but as to the deepseated whys.  Here is a partial opinion for you are nowhere near alone in this.  Early on in the movie industry whites had complete control and if a black was portrayed it was always in a lesser position, social cast, et. and oft time comedic.  Of course America was slowly comming out of total suppression of blacks, which was a long painful process.  As blacks advanced in every area with whites yielding, if not altogether at least on the surface, to the reality of just and equal rights, blacks gained foothold after foothold of being taken seriously in all quarters.  Early experimental movies, like Porgy and Bess began to reveal blacks as having equal abilities with whites.  Hollywood, always out for the dollar, was the first to, if not push then make way for more and more black artists for a large part of the movie audience, expecially in urban areas, were black.  The sixties really took off for black artists until thru the seventies and upward blacks came at least as much in theirt own in the iindustry as they are though the race is not over.  Through the industry the real world of blacks spilled over into the white conciousness.  I enjoy the talent of good black actors very much at least as much as whites.  In the movies the days of "lawsy mercy" is over.  Howere as reverse prejudice began to surface, blacks starriing in and making their own movies and t.v. shows, blacks began to do to whites what was once done to them, subordinating whiles they used in there films, making them as b***s, dumbly comedic, etc.  This reverse pregudist became stronger and is alive and well today.  I did not like prejudice back then and I do not like it today and I resent all of it very deeptly.  It disgusyed me when the whites did it and it disgusts me when the blacks do it and actually a little more for the blacks(as prejudice as anyone else in this world) have been there, they know what it was like, and to turn and commit the same thing is not something I can get into.  Having had the experience blacks should, I feel, be much more sensitive, it is so childish and juvinile and lowers my opinion of the ones that do.  I have never, could not live the black experience per se but I can empathize and sympathize, but the juvinile resentment of whites seems to me a form of revenge, or get back.  I find myself then not wanting to take up my time, it is beneath me to participate by accepting these things and if I watch them, I'm accepting.

  7. yes ur a racist and a white devil and just cause you have black friends dosent mean ur not racist this is 2008 white people can have black friends and still be racist and ur an example

  8. Maybe you don't associate with the black people on the TV shows, like guys don't watch chick flicks and girls don't watch action films.

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