
Does this mean I need to find a man under 45 to father my children?

by Guest59327  |  earlier

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  1. If the study was, as is stated, "the first of it's kind" then I would'nt read too much into it. Nothing much can be said for one study alone.

    Don't worry about it, if I was you, you would never go out your house if you looked at every scientific study.


  2. What a load of boll ox if you'll pardon the pun.

  3. Could it not be that older men, in general, will be fathering children with older women, ergo, could it not have more to do with the fact that the women are older. That's the problem with stats. they can say what you want them to say.

    EDIT The article does state that the figures were adjusted to take account of the age of women. But how on earth do you do that? I would have thought that faulty sperm wouldn't even make it to the starting gate. It's always informative to know what the objective of a particular piece of research is, and who funded it.

  4. I would honestly take this with a pinch of salt, they are always coming up with new theories, this and that, and as to dads older than say 45, well the only drawback would be if he wants to be an active father, and a man of 45 and over is going to find it tough more than like, to play with children when he is in his 60/70's.

  5. Will that be difficult?

    Yes they get bald, wrinkly and past their use by date then too.

  6. I don't find this surprising. The higher risk of genetic abnormalities in babies born to older mothers has long been documented. Why should men be immune to the same ageing processes?

    A couple of hundred years ago, people over 45 were considered old! In some 3rd world countries today, people still don't live much longer than that.

  7. I don't know about statistics, but my sister's husband was 57 years old when they had their first child.

    My father was 58 years old, when my baby brother was born, and my grandfather was in his 50's when my aunt was born.

    With the exception of my grandfather, everyone is still alive and driving me crazy! (smile)

    Also, my neighbor was 45 years old and her husband was 51 years old when their twins were born...

    Now all of the children (with the exception of my kid brother) are grown and have families of their own.

  8. I find it a quite reasonable deduction that if a woman's eggs deteriorate the older they get, then a man's sperm  probably does the same.Which could explain why my daughter, who is 32, and her 10 year old husband have a child born with Tuberous Sclerosis, a rare disease that causes severe epilepsy. You never know, I suppose it's luck of the draw, as in older women who have babies. My sister had a perfect baby at the age of 46, but a friend, of the same age had a baby with severe encephalitis, and she had to terminate her pregnancy at 22 weeks.

  9. it's natural selection's way of weeding out weak genes

    lol thumb it down if you wish but that's the reality

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