
Does this mean anything??

by  |  earlier

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I have this guy friend that's been with me for 4 years as a friend. I've probably said many weird and maybe creepy things to him and done weird things to him but he never faltered, he never ran for the hills. He stayed by my side.

Now alot of what I did and said to him would send MOST guys running for the hills!

Does this mean anything?




  1. It means that he is a true, loyal friend. Hold him tight and don't let him go! :)

    && You never know... YOu 2 might have a future ;)

  2. it means he really likes you

  3. If he's been a "friend" for four means nothing at all.  He's a pal.  That's it.

    If he were interested romantically he would have asked you out romantically within the first 30 minutes, or he's a wuss

  4. yup he likes you.

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