
Does this mean i'm g*y? please read?

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so i just had alittle sexual encounter with a guy i THOUGHT i liked. I guess my hormones was what made me be so stupid. but we body rubbed, he had suit pants on and i had on underwears. everytime he kissed me, i wanted to puke..when he touched me, i felt disgusted..when he tried to take my underwear off to try to have real intercourse, i said no. so we continue to rub with clothes on...

he just left, i ranned to the shower and showered, scrubbed my body, brushed my teeth about 5 times and used listerine about 3 times. im afraid this means im g*y, if im this disgusted by this guys touch?

also my panties were wet, could that mean his sperm came through his suit pants and on my panties or was that something else?




  1. No it doesn't mean u r g*y

    it just means u we're repulsed by the guy

    and no u aren't going to get pregnant

  2. You're probably just not attracted to that one guy.

  3. No, it means you're smart.

  4. maybe you just really, really didn't like the guy when everything was said and done. it doesn't mean you're g*y. it means that didn't work out.

    as far as the wet panties, that's a natural reaction (for me anyway) with any sexual conduct (or fantasy, or stimulation, or passing thought...blahblahblah). if he didn't ejaculate, then there's no reason to assume you need to clean your panties in any way other than what you usually do - so to speak.

  5. Why r u making conclusions so fast?

    The fact that this guy made u feel disgusted might show that u dont like him! I would definitely feel disgusted if a boy that i dont like touched me.

    And do u feel u r g*y? Have u found yourself being sexually attracted to a girl?

    You r the only one to give answers to yourself!  

  6. No does not mean you are g*y .But it was a bad experiece for you so no you was not happy so I don't think you are g*y .Who knows he may have ------- on you thru his pants .Sorry you will soon get past this .Good luck .

  7. If your panties are wet, you probably just got a little hot and bothered.

    It doesn't mean you're g*y. You probably just thought that one guy was repulsive.

  8. This doesn't mean you're necessarily g*y. If you continue to be repulsed by guys, you may be, but there's nothing wrong with that.

    It's probably just that you and that guy didn't have good chemistry.

    Also, the wetness was probably just you, but get a pregnancy test just in case.

    Good luck, I hope that helps!


  9. I can't believe everyone was gullible enough to answer this idiot  spammer. Ha. if you got panties on & you call them panties not underwear, then yes your g*y & on top of that your a cross dresser... LOL  good luck. You said you brushed your teeth & used listerine.. was it salty?  

  10. i think your just nervous

    and not ready for him

    but your pantys being wet could be you getting aroused

    so who knows

    just have s*x or something when your ready

  11. Hey take it easy you are not g*y.

    It is quite natural for people of the same s*x to be aroused and have sexual encounters with their own s*x.

    Years ago it happened all the time at girls boarding schools, boys boarding schools and camps and nobody thought twice about it.

    These were normal young people who grew into normal adults and got married and had children.

    This does not mean they were or are g*y. Nor does it mean that you are g*y (no matter what people try to tell you). It just means your hormones and curiosity are overcoming your common sense no big deal.

    Unfortunately too much is made about being g*y and coming out that many young people falsely believe that having encounters or even being attracted to their own s*x is being g*y.

    That is a false assumption. Don't worry about it.

  12. no that definetly doesnt mean your g*y, being g*y is wanting to have a realtionship with someone of the same gender, its not all about s*x, and trying it out to make sure doesnt make you g*y.

  13. No offense.

    But you kinda sounds g*y or feminine. Panties? haha sorry.

    but maybe you just didn't like the guy?

    or if you feel that way with all guys, then your straight.

  14. considering the fact that  you hated it.. my guess is your straight, probably just curious... doing that once and disliking it definately doesnt mean your g*y.

  15. it mite of jst been the guy u didnt like?

  16. no

    at least I believe you're not

    these sick people "enjoy"having this relationship but you're not.

    that makes you a good person

    and it was wet because you were afraid and you made your panties wet (I'm serious)

    calm down

    can I ask how old you are cuz this is just nasty if you're so young?

  17. Ok, it might not mean you are g*y. It could be that you were NOT into the guy. If the guy isn't right you arn't going to be into it. And as for the panties being wet thing....that could have been your own fluids. I wouldn't worry about it too much but if you're convinced it was his s***n its possible that you could contract an std but I wouldn't really worry about pregnancy. Chanes are it was your own arousal that made your undies wet.

    Another situation is that you simply weren't ready for that level of intamicy with this person. Often when women are in a situation like that when they arn't ready for it they feel digust or guilt.

  18. maybe your g*y...

    or maybe you just didnt like the guy  

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