
Does this mean prison time?

by  |  earlier

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Ok- This person has been convicted of 2 felonies in the same county and has recently been arrest for a dui. So this is his 3rd felony in the same county in the last 4 years. 2- dui and 1- possession. This last charge is driving under the influence of alchol, AFC. Does that mean automatic prison time?

This person is not my friend - Infact he is probably my number 1 hater- Just curious on what to expect....




  1. If he has a public defender he will probably get 3 years or more.Has he violated probation?

  2. In this state, just a dui is not a felony

  3. More likely would be jail time, not prison time. But in some states could be anything.

  4. what state do you live in

  5. Chances are good he will see jail, but how long is unknown or he could be placed in a rehab center instead but he will be taken off the streets


    According to this it don't mean jail time if they have been arrested for two dui's.  It means they have to enter a substance abuse program, may lose their license, and will have to pay fines.  On the possession charge, possession of what, that makes a difference, if it is just pot or something like that I doubt this person will get jail, just messed up his driving for a few years here and has to complete substance abuse programs.

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