
Does this mean something or is it just random?

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So one of my best friends in the 8th grade moved to another state that summer. I was supposed to move there that summer as well but I didnt. We stayed in touch and texted all the time for a while. But lately we've been a little distant(we're both in 10th grade now). I found out in 9th grade that he was gonna ask me out had I have moved that year and it kinda shocked me cuz I'd sorta liked him throughout the year. Anyways, over the last 2 years I would have an occasional dream about him. The first time it was me seeing him after a really long time and him hugging me. The second was months later and we were like walking somewhere and he just randomly kissed me. The third time was a couple of months later and it was after I'd broken up with my ex and he'd like come to visit me and kicked my ex's *** and then hugged me when my ex tried to like guilt trip me or whatever. And the last time was a couple of weeks ago and i went to visit him and we were on a walk and we stopped were sitting on a bench and he had his arm around me and he kissed me on the forehead and whispered something. But I can't remember what he said. Does that mean anything or is it just kinda random?




  1. Just means that you really like him and it's getting to you even more because now you won't be able to see him, at least for a very long time. It means that you wish you could be with him, but you can't, because you two are too far apart.

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